Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Rhetorical Analysis Of Pattons Speech - 1547 Words
Military general for the United States army, George S. Patton in his speech, â€Å"Speech to the Third Army†motivates troops to be prepared to fight for D-Day. According to the National D-day Memorial website, America was fighting Nazi-Germany in World War II, on this day America and on D-day theother allied countries were going to invade Germany with over 150,000 men. Patton was the Army Ggeneral whothat grew up in a military based family, and he was known to be brutal and strict and sometimes even overbearing. This made him a well respected and feared man. The purpose of his D-day speech was to instill masculinity and pride in his soldiers and, to create unity with the troops so they can fight alongside each other. It was extremely†¦show more content†¦Americans despise cowards. Americans play to win all of the time. I wouldnt give a hoot in hell for a man who lost and laughed. Thats why Americans have never lost nor will ever lose a war; Ffor the very idea of lo sing is hateful to an American(paragraph #).†This section of the speechquote exemplifies that Patton is using American appeals to conjure up motivation into the troops because so they can feel more encouraged and willing to fight and possibly die by the fact that all Americans are winners and hate to lose. All Americans are the best and real men who like to fight, Patton does this to make the troops want to win. He makes them feel like it’s in their identity and blood to win, he wants them to have the courage and perseverance to win. Also Patton later conjures the image of the comic book superman, He Man, to encourage all men to tap into their own super powers. on says â€Å" Americans pride themselves on being He Men and they ARE He Men. He validates their own superiority by stating, â€Å"Remember that the enemy is just as frightened as you are, and probably more so. They are not supermen.†Patton says this to further explain that Americans are winners and t hey will win this war. Patton is trying to inspire these soldiers by also lowering their reputation of the enemy sayingShow MoreRelatedRhetorical Analysis of Obama Speech Essay2690 Words  | 11 PagesLiteratures and Foreign Languages Let Us Learn and Resource Together 23 November 2008 Rhetorical Analysis of â€Å"A More Perfect Union†Speech The speech titled â€Å"A More Perfect Union†was delivered by Senator Barack Obama on March 18, 2008 near the historical site of the signing of the U.S. Constitution in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The speech responds to the video clip of Barack Obama’s pastor, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, making racially charged comments against America and Israel. The punditsRead MoreThe Benefit of Code Switching14750 Words  | 59 PagesChapter 1 Introduction Code-switching, which may be defined as the alternation between two or more languages in a speaker’s speech, occurs naturally in the scheme of bilingualism. Studies have reported that code-switching often happened subconsciously; ‘people may not be aware that they have switched, or be able to report, following a conversation, which code they used for a particular topic’ (Wardaugh, 1998, p. 103). However, although bilingual speakers claim that code-switching is an unconscious
Monday, December 16, 2019
Evolution of Microprocessor Free Essays
string(101) " very sophisticated things that a microprocessor does, but those †¢ are its three basic activities\." American University CSIS 550 History of Computing Professor Tim Bergin Technology Research Paper: Microprocessors Beatrice A. Muganda AU ID: 0719604 May 3, 2001 -2- EVOLUTION OF THE MICROPROCESSOR INTRODUCTION The Collegiate Webster dictionary describes microprocessor as a computer processor contained on an integrated-circuit chip. In the mid-seventies, a microprocessor was defined as a central processing unit (CPU) realized on a LSI (large-scale integration) chip, operating at a clock frequency of 1 to 5 MHz and constituting an 8-bit system (Heffer, 1986). We will write a custom essay sample on Evolution of Microprocessor or any similar topic only for you Order Now It was a single component having the ability to perform a wide variety of different functions. Because of their relatively low cost and small size, the microprocessors permitted the use of digital computers in many areas where the use of the preceding mainframeâ€â€and even minicomputers would not be practical and affordable (Computer, 1996). Many non-technical people associate microprocessors with only PCs yet there are thousands of appliances that have a microprocessor embedded in them telephone, dishwasher, microwave, clock radio, etc. In these items, the microprocessor acts primarily as a controller and may not be known to the user. The Breakthrough in Microprocessors The switching units in computers that were used in the early 1940s were the mechanical relays. These were devices that opened and closed as they did the calculations. Such mechanical relays were used in Zuse’s machines of the 1930s. -3- Come the 1950s, and the vacuum tubes took over. The Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC) used vacuum tubes as its switching units rather than relays. The switch from mechanical relay to vacuum tubes was an important technological advance as vacuum tubes could perform calculations considerably faster and more efficient than relay machines. However, this technological advance was short-lived because the tubes could not be made smaller than they were being made and had to be placed close to each other because they generated heat (Freiberger and Swaine, 1984). Then came the transistor which was acknowledged as a revolutionary development. In â€Å"Fire in the Valley†, the authors describe the transistor as a device which was the result of a series of developments in the applications of physics. The transistor changed the computer from a giant electronic brain to a commodity like a TV set. This innovation was awarded to three scientists: John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, and William Shockley. As a result of the technological breakthrough of transistors, the introduction of minicomputers of the 1960s and the personal computer revolution of the 1970s was made possible. However, researchers did not stop at transistors. They wanted a device that could perform more complex tasksâ€â€a device that could integrate a number of transistors into a more complex circuit. Hence, the terminology, integrated circuits or ICs. Because physically they were tiny chips of silicon, they came to be also referred to as chips. Initially, the demand for ICs was typically the military and aerospace -4- industries which were great users of computers and who were the only industries that could afford computers (Freiberger and Swaine, 1984). Later, Marcian â€Å"Ted†Hoff, an engineer at Intel, developed a sophisticated chip. This chip could extract data from its memory and interpret the data as an instruction. The term that evolved to describe such a device was â€Å"microprocessor†. Therefore, the term â€Å"microprocessor†first came into use at Intel in 1972 (Noyce, 1981). A microprocessor was nothing more than an extension of the arithmetic and logic IC chips corporating more functions into one chip (Freiberger and Swaine, 1984). Today, the term still refers to an LSI single-chip processor capable of carrying out many of the basic operations of a digital computer. Infact, the microprocessors of the late eighties and early nineties are full-sclae 32-bit and 32-bit address systems, operating at clock cycles of 25 to 50 MHz (Heffer, 1986). What led to the development of microprocessors? As stated above, microprocessors essentially evolved from mechanical relays to integrated circuits. It is important to illustrate here what aspects of the computing industry led to the development of microprocessors. (1) Digital computer technology In the History of Computing class, we studied, throughout the semester, how the computer industry learned how to make large, complex digital computers capable of processing more data and also how to build and use smaller, less -5- expensive computers. The digital computer technology had been growing steadily since the late 1940s. (2) Semiconductors Like the digital computer technology, semiconductors had also been growing steadily since the invention of the transistor in the late 1940s. The 1960s saw the integrated circuit develop from just a few transistors to many complicated tasks, all of the same chip. (3) The calculator industry It appears as if this industry grew overnight during the 1970s from the simplest of four-function calculators to very complex programmable scientific and financial machines. From all this, one idea became obviousâ€â€if there was an inexpensive digital computer, there would be no need to keep designing different, specialized integrated circuits. The inexpensive digital computer could simply be reprogrammed to perform whatever was the latest brainstorm, and there would be the new product (Freiberger and Swaine, 1984). The development of microprocessors can be attributed to when, in the early 1970s, digital computers and integrated circuits reached the required levels of capability. However, the early microprocessor did not meet all the goals: it was too expensive for many applications, especially those in the consumer market, and it -6- could not hold enough information to perform many of the tasks being handled by the minicomputers of that time. How a microprocessor works According to Krutz (1980), a microprocessor executes a collection of machine instructions that tell the processor what to do. Based on the instructions, a microprocessor does three basic things: †¢ Using its ALU (Arithmetic/Logic Unit), a microprocessor can perform mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Modern microprocessors contain complete floating point processors that can perform extremely sophisticated operations on large floating point numbers. †¢ A microprocessor can move data from one memory location to another. A microprocessor can make decisions and jump to a new set of instructions based on those decisions. There may be very sophisticated things that a microprocessor does, but those †¢ are its three basic activities. You read "Evolution of Microprocessor" in category "Papers" Put simply, it fetches instructions from memory, interprets (decodes) them, and then executes whatever functions the instructions direct. For example, if the microprocessor is capable of 256 different operations, there must be 256 different instruction words. When fetched, each instruction word is interpreted differently than any of the other 255. Each type of microprocessor has a unique instruction set (Short, 1987). -7- Archictecture of a microprocessor This is about as simple as a microprocessor gets. It has the following characteristics: †¢ an address bus (that may be 8, 16 or 32 bits wide) that sends an address to memory; †¢ a data bus (that may be 8, 16 or 32 bits wide) that can send data to memory or receive data from memory; †¢ RD (Read) and WR (Write) line to tell the memory whether it wants to set or get the addressed location; †¢ a clock line that lets a clock pulse sequence the processor; and a reset line that resets the program counter to zero (or whatever) and restarts execution. †¢ A typical microprocessor, therefore, consists of: logical componentsâ€â€enable it to function a s a programmable logic processor; program counter, stack, and instruction registerâ€â€provide for the management of a program; the ALUâ€â€provide for the manipulation of data; and a decoder timing and control unitâ€â€specify and coordinate the operation of other components. The connection of the microprocessors to other unitsâ€â€memory and I/O devicesâ€â€is done with the Address, Data, and control buses. -8- Generation of microprocessors Microprocessors were categorized into five generations: first, second, third, fourth, and fifth generations. Their characteristics are described below: First-generation The microprocessors that were introduced in 1971 to 1972 were referred to as the first generation systems. First-generation microprocessors processed their instructions seriallyâ€â€they fetched the instruction, decoded it, then executed it. When an instruction was completed, the microprocessor updated the instruction pointer and fetched the next instruction, performing this sequential drill for each instruction in turn. Second generation By the late 1970s (specifically 1973), enough transistors were available on the IC to usher in the second generation of microprocessor sophistication: 16-bit arithmetic and pipelined instruction processing. Motorola’s MC68000 microprocessor, introduced in 1979, is an example. Another example is Intel’s 8080. This generation is defined by overlapped fetch, decode, and execute steps (Computer 1996). As the first instruction is processed in the execution unit, the second instruction is decoded and the third instruction is fetched. The distinction between the first and second generation devices was primarily the use of newer semiconductor technology to fabricate the chips. This new -9- technology resulted in a five-fold increase in instruction, execution, speed, and higher chip densities. Third generation The third generation, introduced in 1978, was represented by Intel’s 8086 and the Zilog Z8000, which were 16-bit processors with minicomputer-like performance. The third generation came about as IC transistor counts approached 250,000. Motorola’s MC68020, for example, incorporated an on-chip cache for the first time and the depth of the pipeline increased to five or more stages. This generation of microprocessors was different from the previous ones in that all major workstation manufacturers began developing their own RISC-based microprocessor architectures (Computer, 1996). Fourth generation As the workstation companies converted from commercial microprocessors to in-house designs, microprocessors entered their fourth generation with designs surpassing a million transistors. Leading-edge microprocessors such as Intel’s 80960CA and Motorola’s 88100 could issue and retire more than one instruction per clock cycle (Computer, 1996). Fifth generation Microprocessors in their fifth generation, employed decoupled super scalar processing, and their design soon surpassed 10 million transistors. In this – 10 – generation, PCs are a low-margin, high-volume-business dominated by a single microprocessor (Computer, 1996). Companies associated with microprocessors Overall, Intel Corporation dominated the microprocessor area even though other companies like Texas Instruments, Motorola, etc also introduced some microprocessors. Listed below are the microprocessors that each company created. (A) Intel As indicated previously, Intel Corporation dominated the microprocessor technology and is generally acknowledged as the company that introduced the microprocessor successfully into the market. Its first microprocessor was the 4004, in 1971. The 4004 took the integrated circuit one step further by ocating all the components of a computer (CPU, memory and input and output controls) on a minuscule chip. It evolved from a development effort for a calculator chip set. Previously, the IC had had to be manufactured to fit a special purpose, now only one microprocessor could be manufactured and then programmed to meet any number of demands. The 4004 microprocessor was the central component in a four-chip set, called the 4004 Family: 4001 – 2,048-bit ROM, a 4002 – 320-bit RAM, and a 4003 – 10-bit I/O shift register. The 4004 had 46 instructions, using only 2,300 transistors in a 16-pin DIP. It ran at a clock rate of – 11 – 740kHz (eight clock cycles per CPU cycle of 10. 8 microseconds)â€â€the original goal was 1MHz, to allow it to compute BCD arithmetic as fast (per digit) as a 1960’s era IBM 1620 (Computer, 1996). Following in 1972 was the 4040 which was an enhanced version of the 4004, with an additional 14 instructions, 8K program space, and interrupt abilities (including shadows of the first 8 registers). In the same year, the 8008 was introduced. It had a 14-bit PC. The 8008 was intended as a terminal controller and was quite similar to the 4040. The 8008 increased the 4004’s word length from four to eight bits, and doubled the volume of information that could be processed (Heath, 1991). In April 1974, 8080, the successor to 8008 was introduced. It was the first device with the speed and power to make the microprocessor an important tool for the designer. It quickly became accepted as the standard 8-bit machine. It was the first Intel microprocessor announced before it was actually available. It represented such an improvement over existing designs that the company wanted to give customers adequate lead time to design the part into new products. The use of 8080 in personal computers and small business computers was initiated in 1975 by MITS’s Altair microcomputer. A kit selling for $395 enabled many individuals to have computers in their own homes (Computer, 1996). Following closely, in 1976, was 8048, the first 8-bit single-chip microcomputer. It was also designed as a microcontroller rather than a microprocessorâ€â€low cost and small size was the main goal. For this reason, data was stored on-chip, while program code was external. The 8048 was eventually replaced by the very popular but bizarre 8051 and 8052 – 12 – (available with on-chip program ROMs). While the 8048 used 1-byte instructions, the 8051 had a more flexible 2-byte instruction set, eight 8-bit registers plus an accumulator A. Data space was 128 bytes and could be accessed directly or indirectly by a register, plus another 128 above that in the 8052 which could only be accessed indirectly (usually for a stack) (Computer, 1996). In 1978, Intel introduced its high-performance, 16-bit MOS processorâ€â€the 8086. This microprocessor offered power, speed, and features far beyond the second-generation machines of the mid-70’s. It is said that the personal computer revolution did not really start until the 8088 processor was created. This chip became the most ubiquitous in the computer industry when IBM chose it for its first PC (Frieberger and Swaine, 1984 ). In 1982, the 80286 (also known as 286) was next and was the first Intel processor that could run all the software written for its predecessor, the 8088. Many novices were introduced to desktop computing with a â€Å"286 machine†and it became the dominant chip of its time. It contained 130,000 transistors. In 1985, the first multi-tasking chip, the 386 (80386) was created. This multitasking ability allowed Windows to do more than one function at a time. This 32-bit microprocessor was designed for applications requiring high CPU performance. In addition to providing access to the 32-bit world, the 80386 addressed 2 other important issues: it provided system-level support to systems designers, and it was object-code compatible with the entire family of 8086 microprocessors (Computer, 1996 ). The 80386 was made up of 6 functional units: (i) execution unit (ii) segment unit (iii) page unit (iv) decode unit (v) bus unit and (vi) prefetch unit. The 80386 had – 13 – 34 registers divided into such categories as general-purpose registers, debug registers, and test registers. It had 275,000 transistors (Noyce, 1981). The 486 (80486) generation of chips really advanced the point-and-click revolution. It was also the first chip to offer a built-in math coprocessor, which gave the central processor the ability to do complex math calculations. The 486 had more than a million transistors. In 1993, when Intel lost a bid to trademark the 586, to protect its brand from being copied by other companies, it coined the name Pentium for its next generation of chips and there began the Pentium seriesâ€â€Pentium Classic, Pentium II, III and currently, 4. (B) Motorola The MC68000 was the first 32-bit microprocessor introduced by Motorola in early 1980s. This was followed by higher levels of functionality on the microprocessor chip in the MC68000 series. For example, MC68020, introduced later, had 3 times as many transistors, was about three times as big, and was significantly faster. Motorola 68000 was one of the second generation systems that was developed in 1973. It was known for its graphics capabilities. The Motorola 88000 (originally named the 78000) is a 32-bit processor, one of the first load-store CPUs based on a Harvard Architecture (Noyce, 1981). C) Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) – 14 – In March 1974, Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) announced it would offer a series of microprocessor modules built around the Intel 8008. (D) Texas Instruments (TI) A precursor to these microprocessors was the 16-bit Texas Instruments 1900 microprocessor which was introduced in 1976. The Texas Instruments TMS370 is similar t o the 8051, another of TI’s creations. The only difference between the two was the addition of a B accumulator and some 16-bit support. Microprocessors Today Technology has been changing at a rapid pace. Everyday a new product is made to make life a little easier. The computer plays a major role in the lives of most people. It allows a person to do practically anything. The Internet enables the user to gain more knowledge at a much faster pace compared to researching through books. The portion of the computer that allows it to do more work than a simple computer is the microprocessor. Microprocessor has brought electronics into a new era and caused component manufacturers and end-users to rethink the role of the computer. What was once a giant machine attended by specialists in a room of its own is now a tiny device conveniently transparent to users of automobile, games, instruments, office equipment, and a large array of other products. – 15 – From their humble beginnings 25 years ago, microprocessors have proliferated into an astounding range of chips, powering devices ranging from telephones to supercomputers (PC Magazine, 1996). Today, microprocessors for personal computers get widespread attentionâ€â€and have enabled Intel to become the world’s largest semiconductor maker. In addition, embedded microprocessors are at the heart of a diverse range of devices that have become staples of affluent consumers worldwide. The impact of the microprocessor, however, goes far deeper than new and improved products. It is altering the structure of our society by changing how we gather and use information, how we communicate with one another, and how and where we work. Computer users want fast memory in their PCs, but most do not want to pay a premium for it. Manufacturing of microprocessors Economical manufacturing of microprocessors requires mass production. Microprocessors are constructed by depositing and removing thin layers of conducting, insulating, and semiconducting materials in hundreds of separate steps. Nearly every layer must be patterned accurately into the shape of transistors and other electronic elements. Usually this is done by photolithography, which projects the pattern of the electronic circuit onto a coating that changes when exposed to light. Because these patterns are smaller than the shortest wavelength of visible light, short wavelength ultraviolet radiation must be used. Microprocessor features 16 – are so small and precise that a single speck of dust can destroy the microprocessor. Microprocessors are made in filtered clean rooms where the air may be a million times cleaner than in a typical home (PC World, 2000)). Performance of microprocessors The number of transistors available has a huge effect on the performance of a processor. As seen earlier, a typical instruction in a processor like an 8088 took 1 5 clock cycles to execute. Because of the design of the multiplier, it took approximately 80 cycles just to do one 16-bit multiplication on the 8088. With more transistors, much more powerful multipliers capable of single-cycle speeds become possible ( ). More transistors also allow a technology called pipelining. In a pipelined architecture, instruction execution overlaps. So even though it might take 5 clock cycles to execute each instruction, there can be 5 instructions in various stages of execution simultaneously. That way it looks like one instruction completes every clock cycle (PC World, 2001). Many modern processors have multiple instruction decoders, each with its own pipeline. This allows multiple instruction streams, which means more than one instruction can complete during each clock cycle. This technique can be quite complex to implement, so it takes lots of transistors. The trend in processor design has been toward full 32-bit ALUs with fast floating point processors built in and pipelined execution with multiple instruction streams. There has also been a tendency toward special instructions (like the MMX – 17 – instructions) that make certain operations particularly efficient. There has also been the addition of hardware virtual memory support and L1 caching on the processor chip. All of these trends push up the transistor count, leading to the multi-million transistor powerhouses available today. These processors can execute about one billion instructions per second! (PC World, 2000) ) With all the different types of Pentium microprocessors, what is the difference? Three basic characteristics stand out: †¢ †¢ †¢ Instruction set: The set of instructions that the microprocessor can execute. bandwidth: The number of bits processed in a single instruction. clock speed: Given in megahertz (MHz), the clock speed determines how many instructions per second the processor can execute. In addition to bandwidth and clock speed, microprocessors are classified as being either RISC (reduced instruction set computer) or CISC (complex instruction set computer). – 18 – Other uses of microprocessors There are many uses for microprocessors in the world today. Most appliances found around the house are operated by microprocessors. Most modern factories are fully automatedâ€â€that means that most jobs are done by a computer. Automobiles, trains, subways, planes, and even taxi services require the use of many microprocessors. In short, there are microprocessors everywhere you go. Another common place to find microprocessors is a car. This is especially applicable to sports cars. There are numerous uses for a microprocessor in cars. First of all, it controls the warning LED signs. Whenever there is a problem, low oil, for example, it has detectors that tell it that the oil is below a certain amount. It then reaches over and starts blinking the LED until the problem is fixed. Another use is in the suspension system. A processor, controls the amount of pressure applied to keep the car leveled. During turns, a processor, slows down the wheels on the inner side of the curb and speeds them up on the outside to keep the speed constant and make a smooth turn. An interesting story appeared in the New York Times dated April 16 and goes to show that there’s no limit to what microprocessors can do and that resarchers and scientists are not stopping at the current uses of microprocessors. The next time the milk is low in the refrigerator, the grocery store may deliver a new gallon before it is entirely gone. Masahiro Sone, who lives in Raleigh, N. C. , has won a patent for a refrigerator with an inventory processing system that keeps track of what is inside – 19 – and what is about to run out and can ring up the grocery store to order more (NY Times, 2001). Where is the industry of microprocessors going? Almost immediately after their introduction, microprocessors became the heart of the personal computer. Since then, the improvements have come at an amazing pace. The 4004 ran at 108 kHzâ€â€that’s kilohertz, not megahertzâ€â€and processed only 4 bits of data at a time. Today’s microprocessors and the computers that run on them are thousands of times faster. Effectively, they’ve come pretty close to fulfilling Moore’s Law (named after Intel cofounder Gordon Moore), which states that the number of transistors on a chip will double every 18 months or so. Performance has increased at nearly the same rate (PC Magazine, 1998 ). Can the pace continue? Well, nothing can increase forever. But according to Gerry Parker, Intel’s executive vice president in charge of manufacturing, â€Å"we are far from the end of the line in terms of microprocessor performance. In fact, we’re constantly seeing new advances in technology, one example being new forms of lithography that let designers position electronic components closer and closer together on their chips. Processors are created now using a 0. 35-micron process. But next year we’ll see processors created at 0. 25 microns, with 0. 18 and 0. 13 microns to be introduced in the years to come. †(PC Magainze, 1998) However, it’s not just improvements in lithography and density that can boost performance. Designers can create microprocessors with more layers of metal tying – 20 – together the transistors and other circuit elements. The more layers, the more compact the design. But these ultracompact microprocessors are also harder to manufacture and validate. New chip designs take up less space, resulting in more chips per wafer. The original Pentium (60/66 MHz) was 294 square millimeters, then it was 164 square millimeters (75/90/100 MHz), and now it’s 91 square millimeters (133- to 200-MHz versions) (PC Magazine, 1998). When will all this end? Interestingly, it may not be the natural limits of technology that will eventually refute Moore’s Law. Instead, it’s more likely to be the cost of each successive generation. Every new level of advancement costs more as making microprocessor development is a hugely capital-intensive business. Currently, a fabrication plant with the capacity to create about 40,000 wafers a month costs some $2 billion. And the rapid pace of innovations means equipment can become obsolete in just a few years. Still, there are ways of cutting some costs, such as converting from today’s 8-inch silicon wafers to larger, 300-mm (roughly 12inch) wafers, which can produce 2. 3 times as many chips per wafer as those now in use. Moving to 300-mm wafers will cost Intel about $500 million in initial capital. Still, nothing lasts forever. As Parker notes, â€Å"the PC industry is built on the assumption that we can get more and more out of the PC with each generation, keep costs in check, and continue adding more value. We will run out of money before we run out of technology. When we can’t hold costs down anymore, then it will be a different business†(PC Magazine, 1998). At the beginning of last year, the buzz was about PlayStation 2 and the Emotion Engine processor that would run it. Developed by Sony and Toshiba, – 21 – experts predicted the high-tech processor would offer unprecedented gaming power and more importantly, could provide the processing power for the PlayStation 2 to challenge cheap PCs as the entry-level device of choice for home access to the Web. PlayStation2 is equipped with the 295MHz MIPS-based Emotion engine, Sony’s own CPU designed with Toshiba Corp. , a 147MHz graphics processor that renders 75 million pixels per second, a DVD player, an IEEE 1394 serial connection, and two USB ports. Sony will use DVD discs for game titles and gives consumers the option of using the product for gaming, DVD movie playing and eventually Web surfing (PC World, 2000). Soon, instead of catching up on the news via radio or a newspaper on the way to work, commuters may soon be watching it on a handheld computer or cell phone. Early January this year, Toshiba America Electronic Components announced its TC35273XB chip. The chip has 12Mb of integrated memory and an encoder and decoder for MPEG-4, an audio-video compression standard. According to Toshiba, the integrated memory is what sets this chip apart from others. With integrated memory, the chip consumes less power, making it a good fit for portable gadgets. This chip is designed to specifically address the issues of battery life which can be very short with portable devices. The chip will have a RISC processor at its core and running at a clock speed of 70MHz (PC World, 2000). Toshiba anticipates that samples of this chip will be released to manufacturers in the second quarter, and mass production will follow in the third quarter. Shortly after this release, new handheld computers and cell phones using the chip and offering streaming media will be expected (CNET news). – 22 – It is reported in CNET news, that in February this year, IBM started a program to use the Internet to speed custom-chip design, bolstering its unit that makes semiconductors for other companies. IBM, one of the biggest makers of application-specific chips, would set up a system so that chip designs are placed in a secure environment on the Web, where a customer’s design team and IBM engineers would collaborate on the blueprints and make changes in real time. Designing custom chips, which are used to provide unique features that standard processors don’t offer, requires time-consuming exchanges of details between the clients that provide a basic framework and the IBM employees who do the back-end work. Using the Internet will speed the process and make plans more accurate. IBM figures that since their customers ask for better turnaround time and better customer satisfaction, this would be one way to tackle this. As a pilot program, this service was to be offered to a set of particular, selected customers initially, and then would include customers who design the so-called system-on-a-chip devices that combine several functions on one chip (CNET news). A new microprocessor unveiled in February 2000 by Japan’s NEC, offers high-capacity performance while only consuming small amounts of power, making it ideal for use in mobile devices. This prototype could serve as the model for future mobile processors. The MP98 processor contains four microprocessors on the same chip that work together in such a way that they can be switched on and off depending on the job in hand. For example, a single processor can be used to handle easy jobs, such as data entry, through a keypad, while more can be brought – 23 – online as the task demands, with all four working on tasks such as processing video. This gives designers of portable devices the best of both worldsâ€â€low power consumption and high capacity (PC World, 2000). However, it should be noted that the idea of putting several processors together on a single chip is not new as both IBM and Sun Microsystems have developed similar devices. The only difference is that MP98 is the first working example of a â€Å"fine grain†device that offers better performance. Commercial products based on this technology are likely to be seen around 2003 (PCWorld, 2000). In PCWorld, it was reported that, last September, a Japanese dentist received U. S. and Japanese patents for a method of planting a microchip into a false tooth. The one-chip microprocessor embedded in a plate denture can be detected using a radio transmitter-receiver, allowing its owner to be identified. This is useful in senior citizen’s home where all dentures are usually collected from their owners after meals, washed together and returned. In such a case, it is important to identify all the dentures to give back to their correct owners without any mistake (PC World, 2000). In March this year, Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) launched its 1. 3-GHz Athlon processor. Tests on this processor indicated that its speed surpassed Intel’s 1. GHz Pentium 4. The Athlon processor has a 266-MHz front side bus that works with systems that use 266-MHz memory. The price starts from $2,988 (PCWorld, 2001). Intel’s Pentium 4, which was launched in late 2000, is designed to provide blazing speedâ€â€especially in handling multimedia content. Dubbed Intel NetBurst – 24 – Micro-architecture, it is designed to speed up applic ations that send data in bursts, such as screaming media, MP3 playback, and video compression. Even before the dust had settled on NetBurst, Intel released its much awaited 1. GHz Pentium 4 processor on Monday, April 23. The is said to be the company’s highest-performance microprocessor for desktops. Currently priced at $325 in 1,000 unit quantities. The vice president and general manager of Intel was quoted as saying, â€Å"the Pentium 4 processor is destined to become the center of the digital world. Whether encoding video and MP3 files, doing financial analysis, or experiencing the latest internet technologiesâ€â€the Pentium 4 processor is designed to meet the needs of all users†(PC World, 2001). Gordon Moore, co-founder of Intel, over thirty years ago, announced that the number of transistors that can be placed on a silicon would double every two years. Intel maintains that it has remained true since the release of its first processors, the 4004, in 1971. The competition to determine who has produced the fastest and smallest processor between Intel and AMD continues. Infact, Intel Corp. predicts that PC chips will climb to more than 10GHz from today’s 1GHz standard by the year 2011. However, researchers are paying increasing attention to software. That’s because new generations of software, especially computing-intensive user interfaces, will call for processors with expanded capabilities and performance. How to cite Evolution of Microprocessor, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Identity Theft and Facebook free essay sample
Bullying amp; Suicide 3F Social networking is the main source teenagers turn to when they want to bully other people. Harsh statements and name calling are what is said to make the victim feel lonesome and pathetic. Bullying can quickly turn into cutting yourself or even committing suicide. That’s what happened to Holly Grogan who was tormented in school who felt her last resort was to just make it all stop by killing herself. (McWilliams, Geraldine, 2009, para. 1) Cyberstalkers 5D Real-world stalkers are known to know their victims personally. The Huffington Post reports that victims said their cyberstalkers were either acquaintances or complete strangers with few or unclear motives for harassment. Only 4% reported being stalked by a former partner, compared with victims of face-to-face stalking, where around half are former partners. (April, 11, 2011, para. 5) Obsessed with Facebook 4C As of 2011, there are 500,000,000 active Facebook users, which is approximately 1 in every 13 people on Earth. We will write a custom essay sample on Identity Theft and Facebook or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 48% of 18-34 year olds check Facebook as soon as they wake up. A record-breaking 750 million photos were uploaded on the site on New Year’s weekend. 57% more people talk online rather than in real life. (Think Marketing and Communications, 2011, para. 4) Obesity 8H More and more children are becoming comfortable facing their computer every day. They don’t go outside to play and socialize with other kids face-to-face as much. Kids are getting addicted to computer online games, chats, and social networking. The result is less body activity, a reduction in quality of life, and serious health risks. Getting hooked to the computer tends to make a person lazy to move and socialize. It is best to prevent them early in their life with more time exercising and less computer time. (TechXplore Inc. , 2011, para. 2) Nigerian Scammers 7G Nigerian Scammers have always been a problem on the internet. Two years ago, they were impersonating people on Facebook and asking for money. Facebook does have a pretty secure security system, yet imposters are able to receive a person’s information with just the click of a button. 0% of the people scammed are fooled and end up getting their money stolen from who they thought was someone they knew and trusted. (AOL Inc. , January, 26, 2009, para. 1) Murder 6E Murder is one of the most common negative results when using cyberspace. For instance, 41-year-old Edward Richardson of Staffordshire, England, killed his 26-year-old wife, Sarah, for changing her relationship status on Facebook to â€Å"single. †This act enraged Edward which caused him to break down Sarah’s door and stabbed her to death. According to the government, hes been sentenced to life in prison. AOL Inc. , 2009, para. 2) Formspring 9I A relatively new website called â€Å"Formspring. me†is a common innovation of cyber-bullying. This online page allows teenagers to ask open-ended questions about themselves or friends, with the option to ask anonymously. Many comments are rude and sexual, which causes parents to radar what their child is doing. The majority of teenagers set up their account to Tumblr, another social network, and invite hundreds of friends to ask questions without identifying themselves. (Kary, Mary Kate, 2010, para. 1-2)
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Peter Abelard Essays - Logicians, Peter Abelard, Hlose,
Peter Abelard Jacques Maritain Center : Readings Abelard Abelard, Peter, dialectician, philosopher, and theologian, b. 1079; d. 1142. Peter Abelard (also spelled Abeillard, Abailard, etc., while the best MSS. have Abaelardus) was born in the little village of Pallet, about ten miles east of Nantes in Brittany. His father, Berengar, was lord of the village, his mother's name was Lucia; both afterwards entered the monastic state. Peter, the oldest of their children, was intended for a military career, but, as he himself tells us, he abandoned Mars for Minerva, the profession of arms for that of learning. Accordingly, at an early age, he left his father's castle and sought instruction as a wandering scholar at the schools of the most renowned teachers of those days. Among these teachers was Roscelin the Nominalist, at whose school at Locmenach, near Vannes, Abelard certainly spent some time before he proceeded to Paris. Although the University of Paris did not exist as a corporate institution until more than half a century after Abelard's death, there flourished at Paris in his time the Cathedral School, the School of Ste. Genevi?ve, and that of St. Germain des Pr?, the forerunners of the university schools of the following century. The Cathedral School was undoubtedly the most important of these, and thither the young Abelard directed his steps in order to study dialectic under the renowned master (scholasticus) William of Champeaux. Soon, however, the youth from the province, for whom the prestige of a great name was far from awe-inspiring, not only ventured to object to the teaching of the Parisian master, but attempted to set up as a rival teacher. Finding that this was not an easy matter in Paris, he established his school first at Melun and later at Corbeil. This was, probably, in the year 1101. The next couple of years Abelard spent in his native place almost cut off from France, as he says. The reason of this enforced retreat from the dialectical fray was failing health. On returning to Paris, he became once more a pupil of William of Champeaux for the purpose of studying rhetoric. When William retired to the monastery of St. Victor, Abelard, who meantime had resumed his teaching at Melun, hastened to Paris to secure the chair of the Cathedral School. Having failed in this, he set up his school in Mt. Ste. Genevieve (1108). There and at the Cathedral School, in which in 1113 he finally succeeded in obtaining a chair, he enjoyed the greatest renown as a teacher of rhetoric and dialectic. Before taking up the duty of teaching theology at the Cathedral School, he went to Laon where he presented himself to the venerable Anselm of Laon as a student of theology. Soon, however, his petulant restiveness under restraint once more asserted itself, and he was not content until he had as completely discomfited the teacher of theology at Laon as he had successfully harassed the teacher of rhetoric and dialectic at Paris. Taking Abelard's own account of the incident, it is impossible not to blame him for the temerity which made him such enemies as Alberic and Lotulph, pupils of Anselm, who, later on, appeared against Abelard. The theological studies pursued by Abelard at Laon were what we would nowadays call the study of exegesis. There can be no doubt that Abelard's career as a teacher at Paris, from 1108 to 1118, was an exceptionally brilliant one. In his Story of My Calamities (Historia Calamitatum) he tells us how pupils flocked to him from every country in Europe, a statement which is more than corroborated by Ihe authority of his contemporaries. He was, In fact, the idol of Paris; eloquent, vivacious, handsome, possessed of an unusually rich voice, full of confidence in his own power to please, he had, as he tells us, the whole world at his feet. That Abelard was unduly conscious of these advantages is admitted by his most ardent admirers; indeed, in the Story of My Calamities, he confesses that at that period of his life he was filled with vanity and pride. To these faults he attributes his downfall, which was as swift and tragic as was everything, seemingly, in his meteoric career. He tells us in graphic language the tale which has become part of the classic literature of the love-theme, how he fell in love with Heloise, niece of Canon Fulbert; he spares us none of
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on Augustus
Ancient Rome was built on the east, or left, bank of the Tiber on elevations (now much less prominent) emerging from the marshy lowlands of the Campagna. The seven hills of the ancient city are the Palatine, roughly in the center, with the Capitoline to the northwest and the Quirinal, Viminal, Esquiline, Caelian, and Aventine in an outlying north-southwest curve. The Pincian, N of the Quirinal, is not included among the seven. In the westward bend of the Tiber, W of the Quirinal, lies the Martian Field (Campus Martius), facing the Vatican across the Tiber. On the side of the Tiber opposite the Palatine is the Janiculum, a ridge running north and south, which was fortified in early times.    Early in the first millennium BC the Tiber divided the Italic peoples from the Etruscans in the north and west (see Etruscan civilization ). Not far to the north were the borders between the Sabines and the Latins ; the Sabines were closely related to Roman life from the very beginning. The hills of Rome, free from the malaria that had been the bane of the low-lying plains of Latium, were a healthful and relatively safe place to live and a meeting ground for Latins, Sabines, and Etruscans. In the 8th cent. BC, the fortified elevation of the Palatine was probably taken by Etruscans, who amalgamated the tiny hamlets about the Palatine into a city-state. Tradition tells of the founding of Rome by Romulus in 753 BC (hence the dating ab urbe condita, or AUC, i.e., from the founding of the city), and of the Tarquin family, the Etruscan royal house. It was probably Etruscan rule that civilized Rome and gave it the hegemony of Latium. The Roman Republic    The Romans overthrew their foreign rulers c.500 BC and established the Roman republic, which lasted four centuries. The patrician class controlled the government, but the plebs (who comprised by far the major portion of the population) were allowed to elect the two patrician consuls, wh... Free Essays on Augustus Free Essays on Augustus Ancient Rome was built on the east, or left, bank of the Tiber on elevations (now much less prominent) emerging from the marshy lowlands of the Campagna. The seven hills of the ancient city are the Palatine, roughly in the center, with the Capitoline to the northwest and the Quirinal, Viminal, Esquiline, Caelian, and Aventine in an outlying north-southwest curve. The Pincian, N of the Quirinal, is not included among the seven. In the westward bend of the Tiber, W of the Quirinal, lies the Martian Field (Campus Martius), facing the Vatican across the Tiber. On the side of the Tiber opposite the Palatine is the Janiculum, a ridge running north and south, which was fortified in early times.    Early in the first millennium BC the Tiber divided the Italic peoples from the Etruscans in the north and west (see Etruscan civilization ). Not far to the north were the borders between the Sabines and the Latins ; the Sabines were closely related to Roman life from the very beginning. The hills of Rome, free from the malaria that had been the bane of the low-lying plains of Latium, were a healthful and relatively safe place to live and a meeting ground for Latins, Sabines, and Etruscans. In the 8th cent. BC, the fortified elevation of the Palatine was probably taken by Etruscans, who amalgamated the tiny hamlets about the Palatine into a city-state. Tradition tells of the founding of Rome by Romulus in 753 BC (hence the dating ab urbe condita, or AUC, i.e., from the founding of the city), and of the Tarquin family, the Etruscan royal house. It was probably Etruscan rule that civilized Rome and gave it the hegemony of Latium. The Roman Republic    The Romans overthrew their foreign rulers c.500 BC and established the Roman republic, which lasted four centuries. The patrician class controlled the government, but the plebs (who comprised by far the major portion of the population) were allowed to elect the two patrician consuls, wh...
Friday, November 22, 2019
How to Use Loops in Ruby Programming
How to Use Loops in Ruby Programming Computer programs often have to perform actions a number of times, not just once. For example, a program that prints all of your new email will need to print each email from a list, not just a single email. To do this, constructs called loops are used. A loop will repeat the statements inside it a number of times until some condition is met. While Loops The first type of these loops is a while loop. While loops will execute all of the statements contained within them as long as the conditional statement remains true. In this example, the loop continually increases the value of the variable i by one. As long as the conditional statement i 10 is true, the loop will continue executing the statement i 1 which adds one to the variable. #!/usr/bin/env rubyi 0while i 10i 1endputs i Until Loops Until loops are almost identical to while loops except that they will loop as long as the conditional statement is false. The while loop will loop while the condition is true, the until loop will loop until the condition is true. This example is the functional equivalent of the while loop example, except using an until loop, until i 10 . The variable is incremented by one until its value equals ten. #!/usr/bin/env rubyi 0until i 10i 1endputs i Loops the "Ruby Way" Though the more traditional while and until loops are used in Ruby programs, closure-based loops are more common. It isnt even necessary to understand what closures are or how they work in order to use these loops; in fact, theyre viewed as normal loops despite being very different under the hood. The Times Loop The times loop can be used on any variable containing a number or used on a number itself. In the following example, the first loop is run 3 times and the second loop is run however many times is input by the user. If you input 12, it would run 12 times. Youll notice that the times loop uses the dot syntax (3.times do) rather than the keyword syntax used by the while and until loop. This has to do with how the times loop works under the hood but its used in the same way a while or until loop is used. #!/usr/bin/env ruby3.times doputs This will be printed 3 timesendprint Enter a number: num gets.chomp.to_inum.times doputs Ruby is great!end The Each Loop The each loop is perhaps the most useful of all the loops. Each loop will take a list of variables and run a block of statements for each of them. Since almost all computing tasks use lists of variables and have to do something with each of them in the list, the each loop is by far the most common loop in Ruby code. One thing to note here is the argument to the loops block of statements. The value of the current variable the loop is looking at is assigned to the variable name in pipe characters, which is |n| in the example. The first time the loop runs, the n variable will be equal to Fred, the second time the loop runs it will be equal to Bob and so on. #!/usr/bin/env ruby# A list of namesnames [ Fred, Bob, Jim ]names.each do|n|puts Hello #{n}end
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Check and Balance Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Check and Balance - Assignment Example Furthermore, the contribution of his followers towards his narcissism and the effect of the same would also come under discussion. Lastly, the paper would also shed some light on what sort of organizational check and balances were missing in that situation. There are many proofs, which help us to reach the conclusion that Steve Jobs is a narcissist when it comes to leadership style, some of them are discussed below. First, Jobs appears to be one of the most overrated CEOs of the century. His attempts to capture the media, web, literature, telling schools what to teach and what not to teach and others, suggest that he is trying to catch more attention than he deserves (Maccoby, 2004). Second, jobs appeared to be satisfying one of the major criteria of narcissist leaders as they saw the bigger picture, and always moved forward with a vision in mind. Since these people focus on their own selves, they can always see the bigger picture rather than breaking things into small bits to understand them (Maccoby, 2004). Steve stands true on this criterion. Since the day one, he knew what is he was going to do with apple. He changed his title from interim CEO to iCEO indicating that he will work on iPhones and iPods (Gillam, 2008). Third, according to the official figures, Steve owns almost 6.1 billion US dollars and his name occurs in the list of top 50 wealthiest Americans, yet when it comes to corporate philanthropy, his record is one of the poorest compared to other billionaires. Furthermore, he also eliminated the corporate philanthropy division at Apple in 1997 and it has not been more restored until yet (Gallo, 2009).Â
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Portfolio A new force for social change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Portfolio A new force for social change - Essay Example The realization of these ideals across every nation is what empowers human rights organizations in achieving their goals. Communications Technologies Human rights organizations find strength in the internet’s ability to bring geographically distant and isolated human rights violations to public attention and, in turn, elicit immediate response. Unconstrained by spatial and temporal boundaries, the internet can disseminate pertinent human rights information in real-time and in low cost. The two-way information flow facilitated by the internet, in addition, enables immediate feedback and interaction among the public. Human rights violations are brought to light, discussed over, and immediately acted upon through the use of the internet. Human rights organizations can also utilize social networking sites such as Facebook to reach more people and get them informed about their activities. The Press The press contributes to the goals of human rights organizations by reporting on hum an rights issues, humiliating/praising human rights violators/followers, and encouraging immediate action from the government. Like the internet, newspapers provide information on human rights issues, developments, and activities to the public. Being labeled as a human rights violator by the press, meanwhile, serves both as a wake-up call to offenders and a warning to those who are on the verge of committing violations.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
“Endgame†by Samuel Beckett Essay Example for Free
â€Å"Endgame†by Samuel Beckett Essay â€Å"Finished, it’s finished, nearly finished, it must be nearly finished Grain upon grain, one by one, and one day, suddenly, theres a heap, a little heap, the impossible heap†. (p. 3) Here the endgame starts. In chess the endgame is defined as the stage of the game when only few pieces are left on the board. The same is with the Beckett’s play as there are only four people left. The endgame is a series of moves when the game is near the ending and its outcome is decided before the ceremony of the endgame occurs. Samuel Beckett is known to be a chess player and in the play the author compares the endgame with the end of life – death as death is inevitable as the game always ends. We see that in the play the main characters are enacting repetitive rituals labeled as the part of their endgame. Despite inevitable outcome the main characters are dragging through the final moves making their routines and they are doing whatever it takes to get through the day and to see the next day. The characters try to get through despite their game is lost. The idea of chess game is put in accordance with movements on the stage. The most vulnerable piece on the board is Hamm who utters: â€Å"Me to play†. (p. 18) Hamm is perceived as the King and he seems to be the most powerful. Clov is protective character in the centre of the board and Hamm often relies on him. Therefore, Clov is presented as the Queen and he is able to move easily. However, his erratic way of movement seems to be more suitable to the movement of the Knight. Nell and Nagg are insignificant characters and they are viewed as the Pawns – they appear only when the King calls for them. One by one the main characters are dying and one by one the chess figures are leaving the board. Nothing is eternal in the world and every game has its ending. The theme of chess play shows cyclical Universe – ‘the play ends with a stalemate’. The game will be played over and over again. Works Cited Adorno, Theodor W. Trying to Understand Endgame [1961], The New German Critique, no. 26, (Spring-Summer 1982) pp. 119-150. In The Adorno Reader ed. Brian OConnor. Blackwell Publishers. 2000. Beckett, Samuel. Endgame and the Act Without Words. USA: Groove Press, 1994.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Student Motivation Essay -- essays research papers fc
Motivation in Schools      The topic I originally planned to look into for my Action Research Paper was the affect of reward systems on a student’s academic performance. My idea was that a student’s performance could be influenced by the presence of a reward system. I was interested in seeing if certain subject areas were more likely to use such systems than other subject areas. I strived to see if a student’s academic performance could mean more than just their exam scores and ability to complete assignments. I wished to see if a reward system could change the way a student was motivated in the classroom; to see if their overall attitude could be changed. I also thought to look into their attendance in classes where motivation was present. I wanted to see if they were less frequently absent and if they participated more. And lastly, I thought it would be interesting to see if students felt they could in turn change their â€Å"destiny†in education, or if they s imply believed they are predestined for something else.      As I was looking further into my topic at hand, I decided to go a different way with my paper. I got away from the â€Å"reward system†and decided to look into student motivation as my topic, focusing on the teacher-student relationship. In high school, I can remember one teacher that changed the way I saw science and it affected me greatly. Before this teacher, although I was always in advanced science classes, I never achieved high grades. I always struggled to keep up with other students, and when I performed poorly on exams, my previous teachers never thought to why I had done so. She approached science in a way I had never seen before, and she offered recognition and praise. She set up the classroom in such a way that I never felt I was being left behind, and she encouraged us always to work up to our potential, and then some. I was motivated to do well and in a way I had never cared for before.      I chose to look from the student’s point of view, instead of talking only to teachers. I thought it would be more useful to see what the students thought, as I am pursuing my graduate education in Secondary Education. My ultimate goal, to be a teacher, could only benefit from the research I was setting out to collect. I wanted to know what circumstances student’s felt most... ...ving them the option to say what they feel a teacher should be could be a positive growing experience for both them and myself. Each class could want different things, and I feel it is my job to realize their needs and try to address them as best I can.      I know it sounds corny, but I truly feel that education in the classroom is a two way street. Teachers and students can only flourish when able to both get to where they are going by removing obstacles that would limit their driving experience. I look forward to my teaching career, and although I know I’m bound to have a few fender benders along the way, I hope the journey as a whole is a productive one. Works Cited Daniels, H. & Bizar, M. (1998). Methods that Matter. Portland, ME: Stenhouse Publishers. Ryan, K. & Cooper, J. (2004). Kaleidoscope: Readings in Education (10th Ed.). Boston: Houghton-Mifflin. Michie, G. (1999). Holler if you hear me. New York: Teachers College Press. McDevitt, T. & Ormrod, J. (2002) Child Development (2nd Ed.). Columbus, OH: Pearson Prentice Hall. http://www.alfiekohn.org
Monday, November 11, 2019
Statistics in Business
Statistics is a way of gathering, analyzing, interpreting and presenting data so that it becomes more meaningful. It helps convert raw data into useful information. Statistics is therefore a collection of information. Statistics can be presented in graphical form to make it more appealing and easily understandable by the users. Statistics can be descriptive or inferential. Descriptive statistics have to do with methods in a data set that utilizes numerical and graphical to look for patterns to summarize the information revealed in a data set, and to present the information in a convenient form. The four elements of descriptive statistical problems are the population or sample of interest, one or more variables (characteristics of the populations or sample units) that are to be investigated, Tables, graphs, numerical summary tools, and the identification of patterns in the data. Also there are Inferential statistics that utilizes sample data to make estimates, decisions, predictions, or other generalizations about a larger set of data. There are 5 elements of inferential statistical problems: The population of interest, one or more variables (characteristics of the population units) that are to be investigated, the sample of population units, the inference about the population based on information contained in the sample, and a measure of reliability for the inference. When it comes to the role of statistics in business decision making it is applied in many ways in terms of consumer preferences or even financial trends. For example, managers across any type of business unit formulate problems, they decide on a question relating to the problem and then form a statistical formulation of the question is used to determine answers to all of the above. An example of a business question may be how many calls are answered on average in a call center and how can we increase the numbers of calls answered per hour. Another example may be how we can increase the number of accounts.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Babel’s Internal Conflicts Essay
Babel’s collection of short stories Red Cavalry was one of the first books that exposed the Russian people to the harsh realities of the Polish-Soviet war. At first the stories seem to be historical fiction meant to entertain; however, upon closer reading these stories become pieces that convey strong moral, religious, political and emotional sentiment. Each short story represents a certain theme, but it is My First Goose that encompasses very well Babel’s feelings towards his own identity. The story illuminates the dynamic relationship between the insider and the outsider through careful use of imagery, tone, and imagery. More specifically, My First Goose addresses Babel’s conflicted sense of identity and self as a Jewish man. In My First Goose, as well as in many of Babel’s other works, the narrator is an ambiguous character that resembles the author (in what way? How do you we know this? ). Although very little information is given about the narrator, by the end of the story readers understand the narrator’s conflict with his identity (this sentence doesn’t really fit here; it is a bit off topic from the rest of the paragraph). The narrator is introduced as an outsider, one who is neither racially (is he a different race? ) nor physically equal to the men of the 6th Division. Savitsky, the first â€Å"insider†that is introduced (phrasing is stylistically awkward), is depicted as a extremely masculine figure whose â€Å"long legs looked like two girls were wedged to their shoulders in riding boots†and whose built body â€Å"split the hut like a banner splitting the sky†. The erotic (perhaps â€Å"erotically despicted/described/portrayed†) , masculine Cossack stands in stark contrast to the envious, feeble, timid, glasses wearing â€Å"powder puff†. Babel chooses to depict the ethnic other as virile and powerful while painting the narrator, a man whom he closely resembles, as a weak, almost effeminate, creature. The choice to do so indicates that the author cannot come to terms with his identity; rather he longs to be as strong and macho as the Cossacks. From the narrators exchange with Savitsky, â€Å"Ha, you lousy fellow, you! They send you to us, no one even asks us if we want you here! †it is suggested that the narrator is an outsider, an intellectual with traits associated with Jews. And even when verbally assaulted the narrator still â€Å"envied the flower and iron of Savitsky’s [that] youth†. Moreover, it is the portrayals of the obvious difference in strength, sexuality, and confidence between the narrator and Savitsky that suggests that Babel viewed his Jewishness as a source of shame. Instead of respecting the fact that the narrator can read and write, skills that were very rare, the Cossack leader mocks the narrator telling him that he would â€Å"get hacked to pieces just for wearing glasses†. And even when shown an obscene gesture by a young peasant the narrator still admires the face of the boy, futher emphasizing how unacceptable he is as a Jew. By accepting his inferiority the narrator further emphasizes his distain for identity. The obvious difference between the narrator and the commander that the author chooses to convey shows how the narrator, and to a certain extent the author, feels his â€Å"Jewishness†makes him inadequate compared to the Cossack soldiers. This paragraph seems a bit unfocused; see if you can pull out the two (? ) main threads and build separate paragraphs around each of them, with a clear, unifying topic sentence for each one) The narrator’s conflict with himself reaches a tipping point when he meets the old woman, and at this point he must make a choice to be an insider or outsider. This crucial decision characterized the reason for Babel’s short story, and he consciously choose to allow the narrator make the choice he did (sentence is awkwardly phrased). After settling down, the narrator begins to read, showing that he is still in touch with his intellectual and Jewish nature; however, he decides to stop reading when he encounters a old woman with glasses (this seems more summary than argument). The bespectacled old woman recognizes him as a Jewish â€Å"comrade†and seeks sympathy from her fellow Jew commenting that â€Å"this business makes me want to hang myself†. At this point the narrator and the author is (subject verb agreement; but also, is the author faced with a choice? faced with a choice: he could acknowledge the old woman as kin and defend his Jewish identity, or he could heed the advice of the quartermaster and â€Å"mess up a lady†. The narrator, and more importantly the author (why â€Å"more importantly the author†? ), decides to violate the only thing the old woman has left. This violation is symbolic: the narrator pushes the white neck of the goose into excrement and pierces the neck of the goose with the sword of another Cossack then forces the woman to cook the goose. With this act the narrator discards his Jewish identity, crushing it in dung, killing it with a borrowed sword. (Here, for example, is a possible place for a paragraph break; then start with a new topic sentence)And only after he has proven his masculinity is he accepted to eat with his new â€Å"brothers†. The narrators is offered a seat at the dinner table and given pork to eat, which he eats without question, with this communion his conversion by the â€Å"heathen priests†is complete. By having the narrator make this choice, Babel not only implies that he may have made the same decision, but also condones the idea of discarding the weakness and intellectualism associated with Jews in favor of violence and ignorance of the Cossacks (that’s a big claim to makeâ€â€be careful about trying to read the author’s mind! ). At this point it seems that the narrator has completely discarded his Jewishness and embraces his new identity. After his communion with the Cossacks it seems (the repetition of â€Å"it seems†is wishy-washy and non-committal) that the narrator has completely left his identity behind, but it is soon evident that parts of him (wording) remain Jewish, remnants of his Jewishness that cannot be erased (awkward phrasing). Upon completing his violent and brutal killing, the narrator returns to his role as an intellectual and reads a speech given by Lenin to his new comrades. This shows that no matter how hard the narrator tries to escape his identity, he is still the feeble intellectual who has to borrow the sword of a Cossack to kill. The narrator is allowed to sleep with the Cossacks, (that citation doesn’t really add anything here) but even the warmth and camaraderie the narrator receives does not allow him to escape his actions. The last line reveals that a part of him will never be able to accept what he did to gain acceptance from the Cossacks. His heart â€Å"screeched and bled†from his denial of his Jewish identity. Killing the goose and eating pork directly violated his Jewish morals and although superficially he expressed no remorse, subconsciously he cannot accept the Cossack ways. This ambivalent attitude towards one’s identity characterizes Babel’s feelings towards his own attitude. In this story we see a narrator who struggles with the definition of self, and this struggle directly reflects Babel’s own struggles. (again, this paragraph seems to jump from point to point to much; make sure each paragraph is built around a unifying topic sentence; see if you can pull out two point from this one paragraph and bring them out more clearly by creating a separate paragraph for each one) In not only My First Goose, but in most of the short stories of Red Calvary the narrator struggles with his identity as a Jew. Although one cannot be sure what Babel attempts to convey in his pieces, it is clear that the narrators of Babel’s stories undergo the same mental turmoil Babel went through during his service in the Polish Soviet war (this last sentence doesn’t really work as a conclusion).
Thursday, November 7, 2019
How To Design a Science Fair Experiment
How To Design a Science Fair Experiment A good science fair experiment applies the scientific method to answer a question or test an effect. Follow these steps to design an experiment that follows the approved procedure for science fair projects. State an Objective Science fair projects start with a purpose or objective. Why are you studying this? What do you hope to learn? What makes this topic interesting? An objective is a brief statement of the goal of an experiment, which you can use to help narrow down choices for a hypothesis. Propose a Testable Hypothesis The hardest part of experimental design may be the first step, which is deciding what to test and proposing a hypothesis you can use to build an experiment. You could state the hypothesis as an if: If plants are not given light, then they will not grow. You could state a null or no: There is no difference in the size of beans soaked in water compared with beans soaked in saltwater. The key to formulating a good science fair hypothesis is to make sure you have the ability to test it, record data, and draw a conclusion. Compare these two hypotheses and decide which you could test: Cupcakes sprinkled with colored sugar are better than plain frosted cupcakes. People are more likely to choose cupcakes sprinkled with colored sugar than plain frosted cupcakes. Once you have an idea for an experiment, it often helps to write out several different versions of a hypothesis and select the one that works best for you. See Hypothesis Examples Identify the Independent, Dependent, and Control Variable To draw a valid conclusion from your experiment, you ideally want to test the effect of changing one factor, while holding all other factors constant or unchanged. There are several possible variables in an experiment, but be sure to identify the big three: independent, dependent, and control variables. The independent variable is the one you manipulate or change to test its effect on the dependent variable. Controlled variables are other factors in your experiment you try to control or hold constant. For example, lets say your hypothesis is: Duration of daylight has no effect on how long a cat sleeps. Your independent variable is duration of daylight (how many hours of daylight the cat sees). The dependent variable is how long the cat sleeps per day. Controlled variables might include amount of exercise and cat food supplied to the cat, how often it is disturbed, whether or not other cats are present, the approximate age of cats that are tested, etc. Perform Enough Tests Consider an experiment with the hypothesis: If you toss a coin, there is an equal chance of it coming up heads or tails. That is a nice, testable hypothesis, but you cant draw any sort of valid conclusion from a single coin toss. Neither are you likely to get enough data from 2-3 coin tosses, or even 10. Its important to have a large enough sample size that your experiment isnt overly influenced by randomness. Sometimes this means you need to perform a test multiple times on a single subject or small set of subjects. In other cases, you may want to gather data from a large, representative sample of population. Gather the Right Data There are two main types of data: qualitative and quantitative data. Qualitative data describes a quality, such as red/green, more/less, yes/no. Quantitative data is recorded as a number. If you can, gather quantitative data because its much easier to analyze using mathematical tests. Tabulate or Graph the Results Once you have recorded your data, report it in a table and/or graph. This visual representation of the data makes it easier for you to see patterns or trends and makes your science fair project more appealing to other students, teachers, and judges. Test the Hypothesis Was the hypothesis accepted or rejected? Once you make this determination, ask yourself whether you met the objective of the experiment or whether further study is needed. Sometimes an experiment doesnt work out the way you expect. You may accept the experiment or decide to conduct a new experiment, based on what you learned. Draw a Conclusion Based on the experience you gained from the experiment and whether you accepted or rejected the hypothesis, you should be able to draw some conclusions about your subject. You should state these in your report.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
10 Types of Hypercorrection
10 Types of Hypercorrection 10 Types of Hypercorrection 10 Types of Hypercorrection By Mark Nichol Well-meaning writers and editors sometimes mangle the language they’re trying to manage a fault called hypercorrection. Errors of this class are the result either of adherence to a spurious superstition about proper form, a misunderstanding about a point of grammar, or an attempt to fit a square idiom into a round pigeonhole. Here’s a list of some of the categories of hypercorrection: 1. â€Å"A Number Of†Followed by a Singular Verb Occasionally, a superficial understanding of what constitutes proper grammar leads writers to create a disagreeable subject/verb agreement such as â€Å"A number of members is supporting reform.†But longstanding idiom trumps strict correctness: â€Å"A number of members are supporting reform†is correct, because the focus is on the members, not on the proportion of them supporting reform. The same commonsense rule holds for handful, majority, and similar terms. 2. As in Place of Like Writers averse to like as an alternative to â€Å"such as†are also prone to replace like with as in such sentences as â€Å"He charges as a bull.†â€Å"He charges as a bull would do†is correct but stilted; the shorter form implies â€Å"He charges in the capacity of a bull,†rather than â€Å"He charges in the manner of a bull.†What’s not to like about like? 3. Double Adverbs Avoid the urge to append an -ly ending to an adverb that doesn’t require it. Flat adverbs do just fine without the suffix, and so do doubtless, much, seldom, thus, and others. 4. Foreign Articles Preceding Foreign Terms When a noun phrase is temporarily borrowed from another language, writers might be tempted to precede it with an article from that language, as in â€Å"At the countess’s wedding, she served as la fille d’honneur†(â€Å"maid of honor†). The term alone merits both the emphasis of italicization and the retention of the other language’s form: â€Å"At the countess’s wedding, she served as the fille d’honneur.†5. I Substituted for the Object Me Some people, when they learn that the object in such constructions as â€Å"You and me are the same height†and â€Å"Me and John are the candidates†should read â€Å"You and I are the same height†and â€Å"John and I are the candidates,†generalize that me is an undesirable pronoun, even when used in a sentence’s subject, but â€Å"There’s no difference in height between you and me†and â€Å"The candidates are John and me,†unlike the sentence versions ending in the word I, are perfectly correct. 6. Latin Plurals Formed Incorrectly The plural forms of words derived from Latin that end in -us are -uses or -i. Sometimes, the -uses ending is preferred over the alternative (for example, octopuses); sometimes, the reverse is true (as with foci); and sometimes only one form is correct (prospectuses). When in doubt, check the dictionary. When not in doubt, double-check anyway. 7. Prepositions Prevented from Ending a Sentence Despite admonitions from numerous sources, including a previous post on this site, to ignore the pedantic prohibition against sentence-ending prepositions, some writers, in order to adhere to this fallacious â€Å"rule,†persist in uncomfortably trussing sentences up. For example, â€Å"What did you do that for?†need not be twisted into â€Å"For what reason did you do that?†One could easily write â€Å"Why did you do that?†but that kind of cleanup is not always a viable alternative. 8. Unsplit Compound Verbs There is a curious misunderstanding about compound verbs phrases consisting of an auxiliary verb (a form of â€Å"to be†) and another verb analogous to the spurious â€Å"rule†about infinitives discussed below: Some writers mistakenly believe that adverbs should not be inserted between one verb and another, but that syntax is preferable. Nevertheless, they prefer the clumsy construction â€Å"They quietly were calling her name†to the perfectly acceptable wording â€Å"They were quietly calling her name.†9. Unsplit Infinitives The persistent belief that the elements of an infinitive to followed by a verb should not be separated by an adverb can result in an ambiguous sentence, such as â€Å"I was preparing quickly to depart,†which could mean â€Å"I was hurrying to prepare to depart†or I was preparing to depart hurriedly†which are not the same thing. The former meaning should be expressed â€Å"I was quickly preparing to depart†and the latter should be written â€Å"I was preparing to quickly depart†(yes, it’s acceptable to separate infinitives with an adverb) or â€Å"I was preparing to depart quickly.†10. Whom in Place of Who The troublesome pronoun whom entangles many writers, not only at the head of a sentence but also when leading off a subordinate clause, as in the erroneous example â€Å"The top vote-getter is Smith, whom Jones knows is a poor choice.†Whom, here, is not the object of knows; it is the subject of is, and who is the correct companion of a linking verb. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:10 Rules for Writing Numbers and NumeralsTen Yiddish Expressions You Should Know10 Tips About How to Write a Caption
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Chipotle and Five Guys- Competitive strategy Essay
Chipotle and Five Guys- Competitive strategy - Essay Example On the other hand, Chipotle Mexican Grill is quickly growing as a consequence of the same reasons why the best burger chains thrive. It was at some point under McDonald’s ownership but spun off to develop and operate restaurants selling Mexican food that is fast and casual. Five Guys has been stated to conduct no advertising but delivers consistent great customer experiences that has enabled them to develop a word-of-mouth buzz that attracts more customers into their restaurants (Boone and Kurtz 453). Even though Five Guys began as a family-run burger restaurant, it now has more than one thousand franchises all over the US (Motz 65). From the time a customer enters a Five Guys, the intent of the restaurant is clear as it seeks to make the burger the customer will order the best they have ever had. All companies have chances of having a shared passion with their customers and Five Guys seek seeks for burger fanatics through giving free peanuts and sandwich toppings that result in half a million different choices of an ideal meal. Different from other restaurants that operate in the same industry, Five Guys’ kitchen can clearly be seen by its customers so that they can watch their burgers as they are made. Additionally, the stores do not have free zers so that all the burgers can be made from fresh beef. Additionally, has an excellent customer experience through their secret shoppers, which instead of concentrating on its deficiencies, the secret shopper entails amplifying success and ensuring that staff, have excellent exchanges with the customers (Hatten and Coulter 409). This is a result of a company-wide regulation on the creation of fanatic repeat customers, who can download desktop wallpapers or purchase and wear branded Five Guys’ merchandise from the company’s website. This support can be viewed on the bulletin boards in the stores as well as an active Facebook community that
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