Saturday, May 23, 2020
My Side of the Mountain and Fahrenheit 451 - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 617 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/04/10 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: Fahrenheit 451 Essay Ray Bradbury Essay Did you like this example? In the book Fahrenheit 451, control is the governments biggest concern, sole purpose, and endgame. After reading this book, an old fable came to mind, it is the story of putting a frog in water, and slowly boiling it, the changes are so subtle that the frog does not notice it, but in the end, winds up boiling. This old parable is an excellent example of how the ruling elite micromanages the day to day activities of the citizens. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "My Side of the Mountain and Fahrenheit 451" essay for you Create order One way of the government is aiming to accomplish this task and keeping the citizens in check, is to keep them in a constant fight or flight state. On page (7) Clarisse says to Montag I bet I know something else you do not know, theres dew on the grass in the morning. This way of keeping people in fight or flight stops them from noticing small things while shutting off higher brain functions like imagination, and having new ideas. By doing this, the people in the book are slowly being brainwashed, but they do not notice it because it is so subtle. Micromanaging like this is done by having a speed minimum, and keeping things moving too fast, keeps people focused on what they think is important. The fight or flight example does not apply to the frog; this is to sever. Cite an example of small, micro changes and micromanagement that occurs on a constant minute by minute basis, and this will redefine and reframe their definition of normal, that is the frog in the water. Another higher brain function is compassion for something other than the individual. So when one of Millies friends said on page 92 You know I havent any! No one in [their] right mind, the Good Lord knows, would have any children! goes to show how much the average person cares about something outside of themselves. Being so self-absorbed is a big problem to the individual, but a powerful leverage point for the ones in power in the book. There is another example in the book when Millie and her friends talk about politics, little do they know their votes did absolutely nothing, and the future president was already decided, and what they were watching on the parlor walls was just an act. The citizens think that they are exercising free choice and self-empowerment, but in actuality, the people are so self-absorbed that they do not see things for what they are. Discuss here in more depth how these self-centered decisions, under the guise of the individual thinking they are exercising free choice and self-empowerment are undermining themselves and denying themselves some of the most essential and fundamental human joys in life. Parlor walls are a sign of wealth and happiness in the world of Fahrenheit 451. What a parlor wall is instead of having a TV on a wall, the TV is the wall. TV characters dance around the walls, on people favorite shows. However, it has gone too far. People have been consumed by their family on the parlor walls. An example of this is when Millie is watching the parlor, Montag says to her Will you turn the parlor off? and Millie responds But thats my family. People like Millie have become accustomed to the parlor as a significant role in their day, and life. The parlor wall is a substitute for thinking, and doing other non-essential activities like going for a stroll, or reading the newspaper which in turn has taken every second of their time not used for essential things in their world. This citation and paragraph is the perfect example of the frog in the water, incremental electronic immersion, and addition, allowing control in the most pervasive of fashions.
Monday, May 18, 2020
Walmarts Strategic Human Resource Management - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1601 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2019/07/30 Category Business Essay Level High school Tags: Walmart Essay Did you like this example? Introduction of Walmart Sam Walton founded Wal-Mart in 1962 and opened its first discount store, Wal-Mart Discount store in Logers Village, Arkansas, about 10 miles east of Bentonville. At the time he was 44 years old and partnered with his brother Bud Walton. Wal-Mart is the worlds leading distributor with more than 1.5 million people in 4,700 stores in 10 countries around the world. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Walmarts Strategic Human Resource Management" essay for you Create order In 2002, it had a total turnover of $217.8 USD Billion, and in 2003, it was named the most respected company in the United States, ranking first for two consecutive years among the top Fortune 500 companies in Americas leading business magazine. The exact name of the company is Wall-Mart Stores and currently operates four types of distributors around the world. The first is Wal-Mart Stores, a discount store that sells clothing and accessories, and does not handle Non-fresh food. The second is Wal-Mart Super Center, 35-40% of all products handled are fresh food, and the third is the Sams Club, a discount store in the form of a membership warehouse. Finally, there is Walmart Naver Hood Market. Wal-Mart is the motto of the three major companies, Respect for the individual, Customer service and the Strike for the excellent. Wal-Marts business philosophy is worthy of being called consumer superpowers. That is the spirit of America and identity. Walmart is an example of effective large-scale human resource management when considering Walmart has millions of employees worldwide. It is one of the largest companies in the world in terms of organization size, business value, and financial performance. The company supports human resources with satisfying business needs and expectations. Walmart considers how activities such as internal organizational processes support human resources. Human Resource Management Human resources management refers to a series of tasks to secure, develop, deploy, and assess human resources based on forecasts of future human resource demands to achieve the organizations goals. Members are utilized to suit the purpose of the organization with their capabilities, and HRM addresses issues of selection, development and utilization of members of the organization as well as their relationships with organization and their work efficiency by giving intrinsic and extr insic rewards. Wal-Mart has a quite good reputation in human resource management and they were embarked on major management reorganization in 2004. They develop a plan to hire more than 300 human resources managers in work field instead of 100 executives in its headquarters and Wal-Mart also created a five-person team of human resources professionals with legal backgrounds who are available 24 hours a day seven days a week to handle supervisor’s concerns regarding employment matters. Furthermore, they offer various options for pay and benefits for employees. For example, they divided benefits into four categories which are money, career, home and health so that employees have more options for their own pay, compensation, incentives, education and opportunities. Wal-Mart has many key elements in employee selection, training and development. Employ selection is one of the most important factor when they chose employees before they proceed training and development stages. The diversity is the first key element when they hire their staffs. Wall-mart says ‘they have a strong commitment to become a leader in diversity and they increase the ratio of women and minorities in their management ranks.’ In addition, they also look for young employment by hosting job fairs, college recruiting and internship to increase the diversity of candidate pool. The next stage is training and development. Wall-mart is using a combination of outside vendors and systems it has created on its own in the overhaul of training and development with their t echnology by using e training. Wal-Mart has a reputation of not treating their employee’s right and not being as up to date with technology as they could be. The Successful Human Resource Management case of Wal-Mart In the HRM case, the most successful example is the wall-mart. The Wal-Mart is famous not only in the U.S. but also all over the world. So how can the company manage its employees to become such a successful company? There are many reasons for HRM, so I explain the three most typical reasons. Employment In Wal-Mart, they are never called â€Å"employee†or â€Å"worker†while it is called â€Å"associate†or â€Å"partner†since the founder believed that there is no boss and workers, and encourage managers to think of themselves as â€Å"servant leaders†. This is to encourage them to serve others while staying focused on achieving results. Career Development The human resource management goal is to ensure that every employee fits his job and the organization. Wal-Mart collects information from employees regarding their perceptions about the company. Such information represents employees’ point of view about the appropriateness of their jobs and Wal-Mart’s strategies. This method is typically applied per Wal-Mart store. One more goal of human resource management in Wal-Mart’s career development is that the human resource management objective is to ascertain what the employee is capable of doing. This information is used to support career development. Wal-Mart has comprehensive information based on recruitment documents and other records. In relation, the company uses the results of performance appraisals to assess employee potential. The human resource management objective in using performance appraisal results is to determine the employee’s current capabilities and performance level. With th ese criteria for assessment of employee potential. Compensation Wal-Mart offers compensation and incentives such as increasing minimum hourly wage, associate discounts, comprehensive health insurance plans, and associate stock purchase plan with company math for its workers. The company gives these opportunities to high-performance employees. Wal-Mart employees Wal-Mart employees can improve their performance and plan a long-term career to get these compensations. It seems like Wal-Mart is a company that shows the company run by employees not a boss. And also the boss is the first to think about employee management. These features make Wal-Mart recognize as a world famous company. Darkside of Walmart’s Human Resource Management For many years, Walmart enjoyed a reputation of effective management, superb logistic, and everyday low prices. Their main strategies has made them become a market leader through efficiency and processing. But there is also a dark side of Walmart’s human resource management. Walmart has been always been criticized for low wages when they are one of the biggest retail stores that makes billions of profit yearly. In 2016, Walmart has a net income of $11 billion dollars yet it has not been able to solve some of the bad employment practices. As of 2017, Walmart has approximately over 5,000 lawsuits for their incompetent health care, wage law violations, anti-union retailer stance and also taking advantages of their workers such as making them work more than they should without paying them. One of the other problems of Walmart’s human resource management is also their lack of benefits for their employees, especially for part-time workers. A third of of the part-time workers that are not eligible for benefits are limited to work no more than 28 hours a week. While, workers who are qualified for the benefits often have to pay part of their health insurance and other benefits. Th e health care system provided by Walmart was not as affordable as compared to the other companies. In year 1999, 36% of the health insurance were paid by the employees itself. Walmart has taken the cost-leadership strategy by reducing the cost of recruitment by not giving enough benefits, low wages and also encouraging working overtime. This leads to demotivation and discouraged workers to perform well. Suggestions According to the current situation of the human resources management of Walmart, the author renders the following four suggestions in this regard that may benefit the corporation to its largest extent. In the light of Walmart’s standardized recruitment procedure in which there are four successive steps: vacancy statistics, recruitment plan-making, recruitment information spreading, CV collecting and screening, written examination and interview and employment, it demonstrates that candidates’ fundamental professional skills, working quality, logical thinking, management ability, creativity, leadership, English ability and information competency are required to be tested. Examinations of comprehensive abilities are undoubtedly a necessary component in employment process. However, it is even more important for human resources managers to be clear of recruitment requirements, that is, to distinguish the priorities based on the responsibilities and features of different positions. That is to say that the core competence of the positions needs to be stressed, on the other hand, the requirements of the rest part should be weakened appropriately. The human resource department should also cooperate with other relevant departments to figure out the critical element of the positions and to test out candidates with emphasis. As for new employees, induction training serves as an essential and relevant link. Training content should be adapted to local conditions. According to the market and customs of different regions, develop different training contents and build training courses with regional characteristics. The value of training can only be achieved if it is adapted to local conditions and seeks truth from facts. Although the training courses are different, the key factors such as the core values and systems of the company should be consistent. Secondly, reflect on and improve on training assessment. Wal-Mart should pay attention to self-evaluation of training effects. During the period after the training, it is necessary to conduct tracking. It is found that the trainees should analyze the reasons in time when they are unqualified, summarize the shortage of training, and improve the training program. Power distance also plays an important role in managing employees. Managers should be aware of differ ent power distance that can differ depending on the employees’ culture and should approach each employee differently so that desired outcome can be achieved, and mistakes avoided.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Evan Lalor. English 10. Mrs. Rb . 12 April 2017. Was Jeffrey
Evan Lalor English 10 Mrs. RB 12 April 2017 Was Jeffrey Dahmer Insane One of the most infamous serial killers of the 20th century was named Jeffrey Dahmer, whose horrific murders shocked the nation. In many ways people would think Jeffrey Dahmer was insane because he killed 17 people and tried to turn them into living zombies for his self pleasure. Jeffrey Dahmer had mental struggles starting at a young age and throughout his life, Some say he had a mental illness. (Jeffrey Dahmer |Crime Library| serial killers) Jeffrey Dahmer was born on May 21st 1960 in West Allis Wisconsin. His childhood life wasn’t the greatest. His parents said he was a normal kid until the age of 4, when he had surgery for a double hernia. This surgery seemed to†¦show more content†¦In total Jeffery Dahmer killed 17 people throughout his crime spree and was arrested 4 times . There were many people affected by the actions of Jeffrey Dahmer such as the victim s, family, and the community of Milwaukee. Total, there were 17 men in total that were killed. Jeffrey would go to gay bars and meet the men, take them home and then kill them. According to the article Crime Museum it stated, He first tried to attack a 13 year old boy but the boy got away and went to police. Dahmer was arrested and sentenced five years probation. According to the book Notorious Lives, just three weeks after graduating high school he had picked up a 18 year old hitchhiker named Steven Hicks in 1978 and brought him back to his parent ’s house and forced him to do sexual actions with him. Then after he struck him in the head with a dumbbell and killed him. Stevens friends and family had reported him missing after 6 days from his disappearance. Jeff didn t kill for another nine years. Steven Tuomi was the second victim, which he met at a bar and brought him home and then killed him. Dahmer however claims he has no memory of committing that crime. One of those victims was Anthony Sears, which Dahmer had killed him and kept his skull in a freezer where he kept other
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Homelessness Under The Mckinney Vento Homelessness...
Homelessness is one of the oldest problems that exist, fast forward almost 40 years since it’s been recognized as one and still there has been no avail to finding a real solution. The definition of homelessness under the McKinney-Vento Homelessness Assistance Act is defined as an individual: â€Å"who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence; and a person who has a nighttime residence that is supervised publicly or privately operated shelter, and c) an institution that provides a temporary residence for individuals intended to be institutionalized, or a private or public place not designed for, a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings.†Homelessness is basically another form of poverty except more extreme, yet society treats it as if it was on another spectrum of problems. Some in society stigmatize this population by saying things like: they’re homeless because they are drug addicts, alcoholics, they don’t want to work and just live off the government for free. What many forget to think about are the factors that have these people on the street, or the fact that they are not only experiencing personal hardship by being without a permanent residence but emotional ones as well. Add the fact they are sometimes discriminated against and excluded by society, and you will realize you are looking at one of the most vulnerable populations. This homelessness population consists of people from all age groups: infants, children, adolescents, adulthood, and theShow MoreRelatedArgumentative Essay On Homelessness1485 Words  | 6 Pagesimplemented policies have major effects on American citizens. It is estimated that around 1.35 million children suffer from homelessness due to their families living on the streets (Crook). With this massive housing conundrum, the United States government should increase funding for the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act. Increased funding would decrease homelessness by lowering the crime rate, educating students, and improving American living conditions. As the number of homeless AmericansRead MoreThe McKinney-Vento as amended by S. 896 the Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to1500 Words  | 6 PagesThe McKinney-Vento as amended by S. 896 the Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing (HEARTH) Act of 2009 also known as McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, signed into law in 1987, covers many aspects of homelessness. The National Coalition for the Homeless states that the â€Å"McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act was the firstâ€â€and remains the onlyâ€â€major federal legislative response to homelessness†(NCH). Originally, this act contained fifteen different programs that wereRead MoreHomelessness Intervention Paper : Homelessness1134 Words  | 5 PagesHomelessness Intervention Paper Identify the problem Poverty and homelessness are connected when individuals, families and the working poor attempt to live below the poverty threshold. The underprivileged and those living under the poverty threshold are â€Å"frequently unable to pay for housing, food, childcare, health care, and education†( Housing accounts for a major percentage of income and often must be eliminated. â€Å"Two issues that contribute to increasing povertyRead MoreHomeless Population And The Homeless Families1421 Words  | 6 Pagestalk about the homeless population and the homeless families. It will explore the multiple causes of family homelessness and the struggle has on homeless family life. The three main reasons for homeless families within America are the following: 1) the lack of affordable housing, 2) low income 3) Inadequate federal subsidy. This paper will also give possible solutions to family homelessness and improvement plans for the future. Home is where the heart is. -Pliny the Elder We have come dangerouslyRead MoreHomelessness in America Essay2028 Words  | 9 PagesAccording to Streetwise of Street News Services (2010), the first reported instances of homelessness dates as far back as 1640, in some of the larger cities in the original 13 colonies. At this time, there were wars being fought between settlers and Native Americans, and people were left with no shelter in both sides (Street News Service, 2010). Later, the industrial revolution caused more homelessness, industrial accidents left many former hard-working families with a dead provider, or with severeRead More Homeless Children Essay3565 Words  | 15 Pageseducational opportunities, than children who aren’t homeless. They are less likely to be able to contribute to society, as less than a quarter of homeless children graduate or receive well-paying jobs, making them trapped in a life of poverty. Child homelessness is the perfect portrait of poverty. Children are deprived of their basic needs – shelter, food, safety, and other resources – which are required for any individual to rise out a lifetime of poverty. In the United States, it is every individual’sRead MoreHomeless Children And Youth Assistance Act979 Words  | 4 PagesShelter that will help the families and youth of Starke Florida who are experiencing homelessness. Homelessness is a growing concern in our society today and not just in Starke. In The United States on any given night, there are approximately 643,067 people experiencing homelessness. In Bradford county there are approximately 6.9% of only the student population and not the adults of the community experiencing homelessness. This may not seem like a very large number but it is. These numbers should neverRead MoreHomelessness And The Homeless Population1570 Words  | 7 Pagesanalysis of homelessness in the United States and the relationship between the number of homeless persons and multiple other factors. A study o f the linear regression concludes that poverty and housing units are the two variables that interpret the fluctuations in the homeless count. Given this information, there is a need for further research in order to mitigate future increases in the homeless population. Keywords: homelessness, income, housing, unemployment, veterans Homelessness Since theRead MoreThe Stewart B Mckinney Homeless Assistance Act: a Policy Analysis4165 Words  | 17 PagesRunning head: MCKINNEY ACT The Stewart McKinney Homeless Assistance Act: A Policy Analysis Janelle Horton Amy Lakin Cornerstone University Introduction Homelessness has always been a problem for the United States. Since its birth as a nation, there have consistently been individuals who find themselves without a place to live, looking for shelter with family, friends, or simply anywhere they can find it. These individuals have been targeted as candidates for social aid, but this wasRead MoreThe Primary Social Problem Addressed By The Valor House1035 Words  | 5 PagesIntroduction The primary social problem addressed by the Valor House is veteran homelessness. The Valor House receives funding to operate from the Veterans Administration (VA). As such the Valor House must follow and adhere to the guidelines established under the Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing (HEARTH) Act of 2009. The HEARTH Act established the final rule on the definition of chronically homeless that will be used by the Department of Housing and Urban Development
The Impact Of Hydroelectric Power Development Environmental Sciences Essay Free Essays
string(125) " where spillage of flow occurs via wasteweirs or Gatess because the bing turbines ‘ size can non utilize all the flow\." Over the old ages, there has been increasing involvement in electricity coevals utilizing hydropower. However, it is merely late that the impacts of hydroelectric power workss on the environment have been recognized ; until now, it was assumed that hydroelectric power coevals was a clean and environmentally friendly electricity production method, compared to other methods. After extended research, it has been found that hydroelectric power production has some impacts that include production of nursery gases from the disintegrating flora that have been submerged in the dike, and implosion therapy of large land countries, rendering them unfit for agribusiness and other human activities, among others. We will write a custom essay sample on The Impact Of Hydroelectric Power Development Environmental Sciences Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Possibly the biggest impact from hydroelectric power production is the consequence it has on H2O quality. Dam building, for the intents of power production, can alter the measure and quality of H2O of a river. The disintegrating flora contains bacteria that may besides transform the quicksilver found in basic reservoir stones into a H2O soluble signifier, which builds up in the fish organic structures and accordingly presenting a wellness hazard. This paper will research the impact of upgrading of bing hydroelectric power workss on H2O quality by, foremost, depicting typical proposed enterprises and options when upgrading bing hydropower workss, and so researching the environmental impacts of such proposed enterprises and options. 2.0 Description of proposed enterprise and options For any undertaking that aims at upgrading an bing hydropower works, the chief aim should be to increase efficiency and increase energy production and end product to the upper limit with no unwanted environmental impacts. 2.1 Upgrading bing hydropower workss Several methods exist that can be used to increase the production of power at bing hydropower workss. Normally, these methods can be grouped into two: methods that increase the power production efficiency and methods that increase the useable H2O or caput volume. To better efficiency, old turbine smugglers and Gatess can be replaced with newer, more efficient designs ; coatings can be used to minimise loss of energy through clash in flow channels ; the public presentation of the turbine can be tweaked ; turbine smugglers can be replaced with newer 1s holding a similar design to cut down pits and other defects ; generator efficiency can be increased by rewinding them ; H2O escape can be reduced in Gatess and other constructions ; junk path cleansing can be bettered to minimise clash losingss ; and automated systems for aggregation and analysis of diagnostic informations can be set up. To increase the useable H2O or caput volume, the dam lift can be increased to increase the caput and storage capacity ; more turbines can be added to utilize the H2O that is being spilled ; put ining newer turbines and generators that have wider flow scopes ; and other alterations can be effected during distribution of storage and releases of the reservoir. 2.2 Retrofiting dikes to develop new hydropower The chief activities during retrofitting a dike for hydropower coevals include: constructing sluicegates, consumptions, and a human dynamo that may, in high-head dikes, be located downstream, or, in dikes with low caput, replace subdivisions of the bing construction ; employment of extenuation actions to minimise the undertaking ‘s impacts ; hard-on of power lines to link the undertaking into the bing power grid ; and rerouting through the H2O turbines. Monitoring of quality of H2O, testing to forestall fish from come ining the turbine, edifice of fishing installations, and flow release conditions can do up the extenuation actions. 2.3 Options to hydropower development at bing dikes When upgrading a hydropower works to better its bring forthing capacity, it is presumed it replaces the bing capacity since it is dearly-won to run because of high costs, for illustration disused workss or those that use dearly-won fuel, and the new capacity that is more expensive than hydropower coevals at bing dikes. To find the right capacity mix that the proposed hydropower ascent will replace, there is demand for a complete respect for future energy disbursals, the nature and location of bing and future hydropower workss, and environmental factors particular to a site. 3.0 Environmental impacts of the proposed enterprise and options As has been established, any hydropower development, and other methods of bring forthing power, causes several environmental impacts. The following subdivisions explore the impacts of hydropower ascents and besides for power coevals utilizing fossil fuels, which is the most likely option. 3.1 impacts of upgrading bing hydropower workss Normally depending on the type of upgrade being done, the environmental impacts of hydroelectric works ascents are non as terrible when measured up against other energy development impacts. In fact, upgrades that merely necessitate the generators or turbines to be replaced, go forthing the reservoir ‘s volume and release timings unchanged, have few immediate impacts and may even hold several enduring environmental benefits. The ascents that see the volume and release timings change on the other manus may some permanent impacts. 3.1.1 Water resources Construction Impacts Minor ascents do non necessitate much work and therefore hold small or no impacts on the H2O resources, like eroding, oil spills, and riverbed break, among others. However, major ascents would necessitate more wide building and therefore the impact on H2O resources is increased. Activities in such ascents such as digging or heavy machinery usage during building addition the local creek beds ‘ and Bankss ‘ eroding, doing more sediment tonss and possible deposition downstream. The redistribution of deposits by building may hold harmful effects when the taint of the deposit is local. While enduring impacts on the H2O quality are improbable, building during ascents may take to short-run impacts like little oil spills. Due to the arrest of H2O flow in major ascents, short-run dewatering and stagnancy of the tailwater may happen, ensuing in high growing of algae and changing concentrations of dissolved O ( DO ) which finally adversely impacts aquatic life. Decreased Aeration Turbines able to utilize higher flows may be installed during undertaking ascents where spillage of flow occurs via wasteweirs or Gatess because the bing turbines ‘ size can non utilize all the flow. You read "The Impact Of Hydroelectric Power Development Environmental Sciences Essay" in category "Essay examples" During spillage, the spilled flow may slightly hold increased DO concentrations, or become aerated. When the turbines ‘ capacity is increased, there will be an addition in the flow per centum in the turbine, where aeration is minimum or absent. Entire concentrations of DO would diminish in undertakings where the DO concentration is low and an ascent would do less flow aeration during spillage. In undertakings where spillage happens during high flow periods merely, spillage may be used for power coevals because it does non hold important impact Improved Turbine Aeration To cut down jobs of H2O quality is some undertakings, turbine replacing may be the solution. In the hot season, stratification occurs in most deep reservoirs. At the underside is a bed of low DO concentrated cold H2O, which when released through the turbines means the tailwater will hold deficient DO concentration. To ease this job, the H2O can be aerated prior to go throughing it through the turbine. Research has shown that in a few workss where the turbines have been constructed to entrain air into the flow when it passes through them, aeration of the tailwaters is sufficient and economical ; aquatic life and efficiency may nevertheless be affected. In such undertakings, upgrading of old turbines may enable the installing of self-aerating turbines that accordingly may increase the DO concentrations of the tailwater, finally profiting the environment. Changes in reservoir storage and flow releases As seen, to upgrade bing hydropower workss, methods like increasing the turbines ‘ flow rates or increasing or changing reservoir storage, done by increasing the dike ‘s lift and altering the H2O release periods during the twelvemonth severally, can be used, which may impact the downstream and reservoir H2O quality such as altering the concentrations of DO and temperature of H2O. 3.1.2 Air Quality The impacts of hydropower workss ascents on the air quality are normally impermanent and minimum, and usually occur merely because of dust emanations and other emanations that have escaped from the equipment used in upgrade undertakings that need major building. In fact, hydropower ascents may positively impact the air quality by minimising coevals utilizing fossil fuel. 3.1.3 Aquatic Ecosystems It has been established that the alterations that may happen during building and operation activities during bing hydropower works upgrades impact aquatic life. While minor ascents do non significantly impact the H2O quality, major ascents may ensue in dirt eroding and deposit, chemical and building oil spillage, and break of contaminated deposits, which may impact aquatic life. Increased temperatures and reduced concentrations of DO, hapless tailwater quality, could ensue because of fluctuations in flow releases during building. Furthermore, because of go throughing lowly DO concentrated H2O through a turbine, instead than sloping the H2O over a dike, there could be decreased aeration which besides affects aquatic life. 3.1.4 Riparian and tellurian ecosystems Break to riparian wetlands and home grounds due to building activities is the chief cause of the impacts of bing hydropower workss upgrade on tellurian ecosystems. However, these impacts, which depend on the site or undertaking, are normally insignifanct and merely a few undertakings may do important impacts. Upstream tellurian home ground may significantly be lost through flood because of developments that comprise heightening lifts of the dike. Short-run deposit and fluctuations in flow agendas during building, in add-on to equipment replacing inside edifices, is non likely to hold long-run impacts on tellurian ecosystems. 3.1.5 Diversion Construction impacts Recreational installations will non be significantly impacted by minor hydropower works ascents except during a little building period. Major ascents on the other manus may impact recreational activities. With the possibility of the deposit loads increasing as a consequence of creek beds and bank eroding, the affected H2O quality may impact recreational activities such as H2O skiing, fishing, yachting, and swimming, among others ; such activities may besides be affected by rare minor spillage of oil and lubricators. During upgrade building, there may be dewatering and stagnancy because of controlled flow, which consequences in unwanted growing of algae and low concentrations of DO, accordingly impacting activities like fishing. Open stones, awful odors, loud blares, dust, harmful gas emanations, and eroded Bankss, among others may besides impact the aesthetics and therefore the recreational activities. Long term Impacts Decreased aeration in downstream dike H2O is among the permanent impacts of hydropower works ascent on recreational activities. New turbines decrease the DO concentration, impacting aquatic life and finally fishing activities. Recreational activities may besides be impacted in undertakings where high flow-capable turbines are used because there will be different flow agendas for impoundings. Alterations in the downstream flow graduated table or programming may impact the aquatic life, therefore impacting recreational activities. 3.1.6 Dam Safety and Flooding Concerns for dike safety are normally as a consequence of major, non minor 1s, hydropower works ascents which involves promoting the reservoir degrees that consequences on more structural tonss on the dike, accordingly compromising the general dike ‘s safety factor. In most upgrade developments, deluging frights are uncommon. Still, among the methods of increasing coevals at bing reservoirs is to minimise flood storage so as to do more H2O available for coevals. There would, as a consequence of this lessening in inundation storage, be an increased concern for downstream implosion therapy ; different sites have different impacts and magnitude of the excess implosion therapy. 3.1.7 Energy security benefits Although it will non significantly to the U.S. ‘s entire power grid, the ascent of bing hydropower workss would supply inexpensive and valuable energy signifier that is local and renewable, therefore is non susceptible to foreign ordinance or fuel scarcenesss. The value of energy ensuing from such ascents is felt more during peak demands, even though it may sometimes turn out undependable, particularly during low flows or when more flow releases are required to better H2O quality and aquatic life. 3.2 Impact of new hydroelectric power at bing dikes When an bing dike is developed by put ining new hydropower workss, many advantages are realized, minus the several bad environmental effects experienced during hydropower development at new dikes. This is because at bing dikes, the impacts caused by stream ictus such as submerging of tellurian home ground, obstructor of fish migration, alteration in volume and timing of downstream flow, among others, have already been felt ; more impacts may still be felt during retrofitting. 3.2.1 Water resources Construction Impacts There may be some impermanent impacts on H2O resources that result from the building activities during retrofitting. Erosion at the site of building and the accidental discharge of unearthed stuffs into the watercourse may do the tailwaters to hold sediment tonss. Furthermore, the building activities may do spillage of oil and perturbation and distribution of contaminated deposits present at a dike. These impermanent impacts normally end after building is complete. Change in flow release forms Due to alterations in release agendas of H2O in hydropower workss, the downstream may hold harmful effects like interrupting aquatic life, recreational activities, and increasing eroding of the bank. As such, flow alterations are normally prohibited because they may take down the dike ‘s capacity to run into its initial marks. Changes in tailwater quality due to alterations in release lift Water in a retrofit hydropower workss can be extracted from lifts separate from the initial impounding ‘s backdown lift. During summer, the quality of H2O in deep storage reservoir normally fluctuates with lift. An impounding, with cold H2O normally holding low concentrations of DO in its lower lifts and warm H2O holding high concentrations of DO in the higher lifts, is caused by thermic stratification. In such graded impoundings where the bing release is through a wasteweir or high lift Gatess at the top, there would be fluctuations in downstream quality during hot conditions from high to low concentrations of DO and high to low temperatures when there is installing of a hydropower works retreating from low lifts. There is normally a high heavy metal concentration like Mg and Fe, irritant compounds, in yatter discharged from low lift. Rarely, shallow impoundings may besides hold stratified H2O quality. Change in reserve H2O quality due to alterations in release lift Variations in the backdown lift from a reservoir, in add-on to the impacts discussed before, may besides impact quality of H2O in the impoundment upstream of the dike. A gate release replacing with a turbine consumption at even the slightest lift alteration for case may take down the volume of cold H2O on the reservoir ‘s underside and raise the warm H2O volume in the reservoir in hot conditions. These fluctuations may impact temperature of H2O, production of algae, concentration of DO, and other issues of H2O quality at changing times and sites in the reservoir. Reservoir simulation theoretical accounts are employed in the anticipation of the compound, unpredictable, and site-exclusive impacts. Changing the backdown lift may sometimes be utile for the H2O quality in the reservoir, and sometimes harmful. Nitrogen Super impregnation Hydropower upgrade undertakings cause nitrogen ace impregnation and later the fishes ‘ gas bubble infection which causes the formation of gas bubble in a organic structure of the fish which may kill. Three conditions may ensue in the formation of nitrogen ace impregnation: when releases from the reservoir are really aerated, when air is entrained into severely constructed sluicegates, and when N saturated H2O from inside the reservoir is discharged to tailwaters. Nitrogen ace impregnation does non by and large have big impacts in hydropower development at retrofitted dikes. 3.2.2 Air Quality As has been established, impacts of air quality of retrofitting dikes are similar to hydropower works ascent ‘s local, impermanent and minimum impacts. Happening merely during building, effects may include get awaying dust emanations and equipment usage emanations and are by and large minimum compared with other emanations. 3.2.3 Aquatic ecosystem The aquatic resources during building from dike retrofitting are impacted the same manner as during ascent of bing hydropower workss. There is nevertheless greater opportunity for the impact on aquatic resources, by degrading the H2O and home ground quality, to be more, peculiarly from H2O debasement, because of the major building in this option. Despite the already bing reservoir and the beings ‘ version to the H2O environment, get downing of hydroelectricity production may alter the releases ‘ volume and timing. Consequently, there may be instant and more terrible H2O degree fluctuations in the tailwaters and reservoir, which destroy critical shallow-water home ground for aquatic life. Furthermore, when lowly concentrated DO, cold, deep H2O is discharged from stratified reservoirs will degrade the quality of H2O of the tailwaters and negatively impact the ecosystem adapted to deep warm, extremely concentrated DO H2O releases. 3.2.4 Dam safety and implosion therapy Dam safety Retrofiting hydropower dike has a few dike safety concerns. Because building may necessitate removing of some of the bing dike ‘s parts, there is a possibility of the dike ‘s basis or construction weakening if improperly done. Deluging Design-specific, the building of hydropower workss at dikes with low-head may upsurge the implosion therapy upstream ‘s rate and graduated table. If there is the slightest obstructor in the flows ‘ way due to building, the upstream inundation lifts would increase. 3.2.5 Energy security benefits Although it will non significantly to the U.S. ‘s entire power grid, energy from retrofitting dikes would supply inexpensive and valuable energy signifier that is local and renewable, therefore is non susceptible to foreign ordinance or fuel scarcenesss. The value of energy ensuing from such an option is felt more during peak demands, even though it may sometimes turn out undependable, particularly during low flows or when more flow releases are required to better H2O quality and aquatic life. 3.3 Impacts of coevals utilizing fossil fuels Most of U.S. power production capacity is due to the usage of fossil fuels ( coal, gas and oil ) . The power that would hold been produced by hydropower is so got from the usage of these fossil fuels. 3.3.1 Water resources The coevals of fossil-fuels can take to a figure of effects to H2O resources. In most instances fossil fuels workss are normally constructed following to big H2O organic structures to supply H2O for chilling or to thrust ahead as agencies of conveyance for the fuels. The building of these workss besides interferes with the land countries taking to eroding and as a consequence taking to residue tonss in the H2O organic structures. Coal excavation and transit are the chief effects of coal- power coevals to legion H2O organic structures. In the humid parts coal mines have for a long period triggered serious pollution of H2O organic structures due to altering of the river channels ( because of direct excavation effects, hydrologic alterations to watershed, and increased residue tonss ) and drainage of acids from mines. Although these impacts can be controlled, to a certain extent they can non be wholly avoided. In waterless countries, these effects are less compared to those in humid countries. However, impacts such as change of groundwater can happen. Even though, the transit of fossil fuels by flatboat on H2O resources can do minor impacts, other agencies of transit such as coal slurry grapevines, can ensue into terrible impacts on local H2O organic structures. The lavation of coal at the power works or mine to better its combustion or emanations qualities ; big sums of H2O are consumed every bit good as pollut ion as a consequence of these procedures. Water resources can besides be degraded due to production and transit of gas and oil used in the production of electric power. These effects can be due to offshore oil production and oil spills in the class of refinement and transit. The production of fossil-fuel power workss is the root to several pollution effects to H2O organic structures. Cooling H2O is required by these workss in the condensation of steam after it has been recycled in the boilers. The cooling H2O can be used one time and channeled to come up H2O or it can be recycled through the chilling tower let go ofing the heat out to the ambiance. Significant temperature addition and vaporization in the receiving H2O organic structure can besides be caused by chilling procedures. Water is likewise consumed by the chilling towers through vaporization and the discharge of blow down H2O, which contains higher concentrations of dissolved solids. 3.3.2 Air quality The major beginning of air emanations is due to the usage of fossil fuels in power coevals as compared to the usage hydroelectric coevals. Some of these emanations include ; dust discharged from coal hemorrhoids and mines, vehicles used in excavation and transit of these fossil fuels, the storage and use of crude oil and gas besides release hydrocarbon emanations and emanations from burning. Air quality as an impact of fossil- fuel production is of the greatest concern as it leads to the emanation of burning merchandises such as S dioxide, azotic oxide, atoms and C dioxide. Approximately 70 % sulfur emanations, 40 % of azotic oxide emanations and 10 % of particulate emanations of U.S. are produced during fossil- fueled power production. With most emanations coming from oil and coal burning, natural gas- fuel workss have significantly lowered air emanations. The chief concerns are sulfur dioxide and azotic oxides ; they non merely affect human wellness but besides contribute to acidic rain and dry deposition. Particulates can likewise hold terrible effects on human wellness, conditions and visibleness. Carbon dioxide emanations are besides possible subscribers to planetary heating. Ever since the 1950s, a steady rise in the emanations of C dioxide has been experienced. Whereas about half of the emitted C dioxide released remains in the ambiance lending to planetary heating, the staying half is either dissolved into oceans or taken up by workss or sequestered. 3.3.3 Aquatic ecosystem Several of the impacts due to the building and operation of fossil-fueled power workss to aquatic ecological resources are really different both in sort and magnitude to the impacts brought approximately by several hydropower replacements. Unless a chilling lake is created by the dodo fuel works, the loss of aquatic home ground will be relativity little, compared to those due to upgrading or retrofitting of already bing reservoirs. This will be much less compared to the sum of riverine home grounds that would be lost due to a new hydroelectric impounding. Entrainment, encroachment and chemical and thermic discharges are some of the effects brought approximately by the operation of a chilling system capacitor of a dodo works to aquatic beings. Large sums of solid wastes such as burning ash and scrubber sludge are besides produced by coal-burning power workss. If non controlled, leachates form coal and ash hemorrhoids can degrade the H2O quality every bit good as holding toxicant effects on the aquatic beings. Furthermore, aquatic communities over a big geographical country can see important H2O quality effects and habitat loss associated to the whole fuel rhythm ( coal and oil excavation, polish or cleansing, and ash deposition ) . Aquatic beings in widespread countries can likewise be affected by acerb deposition from fossil fuel workss. 3.3.4 Diversion The state ‘s uninterrupted dependance on fossil fuels as the chief beginning of production for electrical power has appeared to hold important effects on recreational avocations in assorted countries. During the air inversion episodes in some of the major metropoliss in the U.S. , air quality effects due to the burning of coal are already impacting people with respiratory complications who the usage some of these recreational resources. In New England and other parts of the U.S. , acidic depositions from coal burning is said to hold affected fishing in assorted lakes. Drain of acids from coal mines has non merely affect fishing but white water canoeing and kayaking, yachting, swimming, hike and the overall aesthetic qualities of watercourses in Appalachia and in other topographic points. Through the surface excavation of coal recreational chances such as hunting, hike and nature observation can be disturbed throughout the U.S. However, through renewal, these sites may heighten some of these recreational resources. Increased concentrations of nursery gases in the ambiance can besides convey with it impacts to recreational resources such as alteration in the precipitation measures and governments of a part, more serious or more perennial air inversions, raising or take downing of reservoirs capacities, legion or more terrible major storms in the coastal countries, rise in the sea degree, altering of wildlife home grounds, and change of wildlife migration waies and times. Any out-of-door recreational avocation will be significantly be affected by all these. The boring rigs near the refineries for gas and oil used in power coevals can likewise consequence in H2O quality impacts from rigs, oilers or grapevines which may take to occasional oil spills both onshore and offshore. Recreational activities such as fishing, yachting, swimming, and nature observation can besides be affected as consequence of these impacts. Refinery installations ( with both ocular and olfactive effects ) are frequently seen to be noxious topographic points doing them incompatible with recreational resources. Aesthetic enjoyment of such recreational resources can be reduced where there are grapevines. Drilling, production and other research activities due to increased used of gas and oil can hold possible negative effects on these diversion resources particularly in wildlife safeties and delicate offshore locations. In Western United States, in some of the comparatively pristine environment where natural gas desulfurization installations are located near the boring rigs ; ocular, audile and olfactive impacts could be produced where this gas is found. Activities such as hike, runing and nature observation could besides be affected. 3.3.5 Energy security benefits Supplies form Coal and domestic gases are considered to be unafraid energy resource suppliers. In the United States, coal is known to be the richest unrenewable energy resources. Although, fossil-fueled workss are considered to be extremely dependable, they can be besides be affected by terrible conditions conditions such as drouths ( that consequence into inefficient chilling doing it expensive for power production ) . Following the day-to-day rhythm demands, fossil-fuel power workss are non all that efficient. In the quest to extenuate this inefficiency, pumped storage hydroelectric power undertakings and gas turbine workss though less efficient are frequently used because the turbines respond rapidly to altering demands. Environmental impacts which involves air emanations both regional and globally and the high ingestion of H2O are some of the factors that limit the development of new fossil-fueled workss at assorted sites. 4.0 Decision How to cite The Impact Of Hydroelectric Power Development Environmental Sciences Essay, Essay examples
Negotiator Concern for Relationship and Goal
Question: Describe about the Negotiator's Concern for Relationship and Goal? Answer: Introduction: Negotiation is referred to a proper social process through which all interdependent people along with their conflicting interests actually determine the way in which they are also going to assign resources otherwise work together for the future. This is also a social process as people must actually interact with each other for the achievement and attainment of their actual and desired outcomes. Usually, negotiation also was viewed like a argumentative process which is also a battle amid the adversaries. Although few people still hold such beliefs, as well as this approach yet exists attitudes plus even evidence are altering day by day. Negotiation also is now seen widely like a proper collaborative process which is utilized to find best solutions intended for everyone who is involved in the situation. It is in reality a procedures through which two parties arrive at a mutual decision which is beneficial in some or the other way to both the parties. Domination of any one party can ham per the process of negotiation. a) Scenario 1- Accommodating style- This style actually will indicate the willingness towards meeting needs and requirements of the other party at expense of person's self needs. Here I am the accommodator and being this I know the place when to actually give in to the other party, but this can also be persuaded towards surrendering a position when it actually is not properly warranted. I am being highly assertive and greatly cooperative. I will try to understand the arguments given by my employer as I want to maintain a good long run relation with him (Lagnado Shanks, 2007). Accommodation also is appropriate at the time when issues matter extra to other party otherwise when peace also is extra valuable than the winning case, or when one person wants to get in the position towards collecting on "favor" that other provides. Winning here does not supplies all happiness to either of the parties rather coming down to a conclusion where a relation will be appropriately maintained would contend the part ies more. Since I am negotiating with an employer I will apply accommodating conflict where I believe that being agreeable is extra vital than winning the situation. Here I will try to maximize empathy and minimize assertiveness. In such type of strategy I will derive a proper satisfaction for myself and will also meet my own needs and requirements. Since I am indulged in job negotiation I also dont want to loose the job for silly reasons. I merely want to negotiate so that I can earn as much as I can. Here I am also perceptive as well as intuitive about the emotional state and even is able to detect the subtle verbal as well as non verbal cues. I also tend to carry a good relation with my employer and actually never will afford sourness in my relation if carried further. Thus this strategy will be very fit for me as it carries several positive characteristics like: Help in maintenance of my relation with my employer on long run Support me in coming down to a mutual decision without hampering my relationship and my image (Oye Esvelt, 2014) Will enable me to somehow convince the employer and bring the ball into my court. b) Scenario 2- Competitive conflict style- Some people who actually tend towards the competitive style also take a very firm stand and strict decision and also understand as well as properly know what they in reality want. They even usually function from the position of the authority and power which is drawn from something like the position and rank, expertise as well as persuasive capability (Pedler, 1976). Such a style can also be very useful at the time when there exist an emergency as well as a decision has to be immediately made; when decision is also very unpopular; or also when the defending against some person who is even trying to develop situation selfishly. Moreover it can also leave people with a feeling of getting bruised, unsatisfied as well as resentful while used in lower urgent conditions. Since I am with a car dealer and have many choices of car dealers in the local area I will apply the strategy of competitive conflict style as it would help me to maximize assertiveness as well as minimize the empathy. Being a competitive type I will be capable of enjoying negotiation and will be capable of dominating and controlling the communication. Since many choices are available tome easily I can dominate the seller as my bargaining power has automatically risen up. This strategy will also help me to pay less attention towards the relation underlying the dispute as I do not have to carry this relation with the seller further for long run (Russell, n.d.). I strongly feel that this is a lose-win situation and I actually do not want to lose it because I also feel that this same car might not be found in other outlets. This strategy has several characteristics: The strategy will make me fall into winning situation where I would be able to dominate the seller as there are number of sellers available in the location. The buyer can put pressure on the seller to sell the product in the price quoted by the buyer. The strategy will help the buyer attain his aims and goals (FLOWER, 1996) c) Halo effect can be perceptual distortion in this case. The candidate might have negotiated and has won and such situation before and also is applying the same concept here as well. When I take such a shortcut, I will actually carry an impression that also might have in reality been created in any such condition before (Mills Oneal, 1971). Recency effect can be distortion taking place in this case as I am feeling that I will get the same car in every outlet but maybe I would not succeed in the process of attaining the car of the same type. This might later leave me unhappy as I might not find the same quality everywhere (Natarajan, n.d.). Cognitive biasesrefer to tendencies towards thinking in convinced ways that could also lead to the systematic divergence from any standard ofthe rationalityotherwise good judgment (Koele, 1992). There are several cognitive biasness: Confirmation Bias- People actually tend to agree with people who agree with them. In the first scenario since the negotiation is taking place amid a candidate and an employer. Actually it is the preferential mode of the behavior which leads to such bias named as confirmation bias which is the often unconscious action of the referencing merely to those whose perspectives actually fuel the other parties pre-existing thinking, while at same time paying simply no attention to the speaker or discharging his opinions also threaten own world view (Besharov, n.d.). Thus this bias will obviously help the candidate in first scenario to deal with his problems and come down to a mutual conclusion which would help both the candidate as well as the employer. The decision taken here will help both the parties in mutual negotiation and of course both can attain the advantage of the decision as the seller will be able to sell at profitable rate thereby convincing the buyer and making him pay somethin g extra. Neglecting Probability- This can be another situation that might take place in the second scenario where I am willing to buy a second hand car in a location where numerous sellers of second hand car exist. Here obviously my bargaining power is very high but the seller with whom I am currently bargaining might be charging higher price due to the better quality that he is providing me. Later I might confront a situation where I may find that other sellers in the local area are supplying lower quality car (Aberegg, 2012). But in this case I am neglecting this probability and continuing with the negotiation. Also since second hand car is being bought there are chances of inner damage and some unseen harms in the car for which I am actually paying a vast amount. Ignoring this probability I am interested in buying the car. This situation is called neglecting the probability. Taking decision in such a situation will obviously be a hectic task for me yet I need to react very carefully and pe rform as per my actual decisions. Conclusion: In both the above situations, both parties need to act patiently and calmly and thus try to sort out the issue mutually because people reacting negatively often tend to throw the ball in others court. Thus this interaction needs to be very calm and demands lot of patient and proper understanding of both the parties for solving the issue appropriately. In a nutshell here lies the details regarding the negotiation and bargaining and also facts related to types of negotiation stratifies that can be applied in both the situations and help to solve the issue. References Aberegg, S. (2012). Cognitive Biases or Inadequate Searching?. Chest, 141(6), 1636. doi:10.1378/chest.11-3248 Besharov, G. Second-best Considerations in Correcting Cognitive Biases. SSRN Journal. doi:10.2139/ssrn.381300 Chen, E., Mallinckrodt, B. (2002). Attachment, group attraction and self-other agreement in interpersonal circumplex problems and perceptions of group members. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, And Practice, 6(4), 311-324. doi:10.1037//1089-2699.6.4.311 Crump, L. (2011). Negotiation Process and Negotiation Context. International Negotiation, 16(2), 197-227. doi:10.1163/138234011x573011 FLOWER, L. (1996). Negotiating the Meaning of Difference. Written Communication, 13(1), 44-92. doi:10.1177/0741088396013001004 Hasle, F. (1983). Bargaining: Power, Tactics, and Outcomes. Academy Of Management Review, 8(1), 163-163. doi:10.5465/amr.1983.4287745 Kanning, A., Kanning, W. Fairness Preferences in Distributive Bargaining. SSRN Journal. doi:10.2139/ssrn.1796684 Kerkhoff, G. (2000). Multiple perceptual distortions and their modulation in leftsided visual neglect. Neuropsychologia, 38(7), 1073-1086. doi:10.1016/s0028-3932(99)00140-2 Koele, P. (1992). Cognitive biases. Acta Psychologica, 81(1), 89-91. doi:10.1016/0001-6918(92)90015-6 Lagnado, D., Shanks, D. (2007). Dual concerns with the dualist approach. Behavioral And Brain Sciences, 30(03). doi:10.1017/s0140525x0700180x Lagnado, D., Shanks, D. (2007). Dual concerns with the dualist approach. Behavioral And Brain Sciences, 30(03). doi:10.1017/s0140525x0700180x Mills, J., Oneal, E. (1971). Anticipated choice, attention, and halo effect. Psychon Sci, 22(4), 231-233. doi:10.3758/bf03332586 Natarajan, R. Halo Effect in Trust. SSRN Journal. doi:10.2139/ssrn.1137885 Negotiation Journal:On the Process of Dispute Settlement. (1999). Negotiation Journal, 15(4), 198-199. doi:10.1111/j.1571-9979.1999.tb00727.x Oye, K., Esvelt, K. (2014). Gene drives raise dual-use concerns--Response. Science, 345(6200), 1010-1011. doi:10.1126/science.345.6200.1010-c Pedler, M. (1976). A Conflict Resolution Style Scale. Management Learning, 7(1), 34-41. doi:10.1177/135050767600700107 Roemer, J. (1986). The Mismarriage of Bargaining Theory and Distributive Justice. ETHICS, 97(1), 88. doi:10.1086/292819 Russell, A. Personal Conflict Style and How We Engage in Conflict. SSRN Journal. doi:10.2139/ssrn.2319990 Savage, G., Blair, J., Sorenson, R. (1989). Consider Both Relationships and Substance When Negotiating Strategically. Academy Of Management Executive, 3(1), 37-48. doi:10.5465/ame.1989.4277149 Strauss, G., Bacharach, S., Lawler, E. (1982). Bargaining: Power, Tactics, and Outcomes. Industrial And Labor Relations Review, 36(1), 124. doi:10.2307/2522298
Friday, May 1, 2020
Effective Communication of Coca-Cola Company †Free Samples
Question: Discuss about the Effective Communication of Coca-Cola Company. Answer: Brief introduction Coca-Cola Company is ranked as the worlds biggest organization that deals with selling of refreshments. Its operations are in more than 200 countries and hold a market portfolio of more than 3000 drinks. These drinks include sparkling beverages and refreshments such as juice drinks, water, squeezes, espressos and beverages that are caffeinated. The company has its headquarters in Atlanta Georgia and has close to 93,000 co-partners which are in six working groups of Africa, Europe, Latin American, pacific region and North American. The production process of Coca-Cola lays its focus on the manufacture of refreshment syrups and bases and this has made its mark very exceptional (Chester and Montgomery, 2007). It also provides packaging operations. The company is in possession of brands and licenses for legal operations. For it to unify its client base the company invests heavily on advertisements that incorporates TV and print promotions, use of retail store shows online, engagement in sponsorships, bundle plans and challenges. The company has for a long time been able to meet the ever changing refreshment needs of its consumers in the world through the focus on the production of beverages and advertisements. Many people simply perceive it as Coca-Cola but in real sense its framework has operations in various channels that are linked to it (HBC, 2013). Apart from producing beverages it also contracts production of syrups and drinks for packaging operations and in this manner it claims the marks and its therefore responsible for the advertising activities of the purchaser marker. This kind of system is very effective that it has ensured the suppliers of the company are able to sell products to consumers at a rate close to 1.6 billion servings per day. Background Coca-Cola Company has been in existence for many years and its history dates back to the year 1886 (Coca-Cola Company, 2013). A drug specialist by the name John Pemberton was driven by some basic interest to have some positive transformation on peoples lives. In one of the evenings he made some mix up of a fragrant i.e. caramel hued fluid where he sent it to some pharmacy (Jacobs pharmacy). Its in this pharmacy that the fluid was mixed up with some carbonated water and some clients inspected it coming to a conclusion that it was a new beverage. Frank Robinson who was by then Pembertons clerk then named the beverage Coca-Cola and in the first year Pemberton was selling 9 glasses of the beverage per day. At the end of one century the Coca-Cola Company had made drastic changes and it was selling close to 10 billion gallons of syrup. In 1888 Pemberton died and he could not live long to witness the growth and popularity of his business (Haenlein and Kaplan, p 3). This led to Candler being made the companys first president and he is actually the pioneer that brought the real vision of Coca-Cola business and brand. His taking of office saw the packaging operations kick start in Hawaii and was spread to France, Philippines, Bermuda, Belgium, Honduras, Colombia, Mexico, Italy Haiti and Burma in the years that followed. By the year 1940 Coca-Cola soda was being packaged in 40 countries globally. Various trademark items have since then been infused by the marketing and promotion of these beverages (Euromonitor, 2013). Such trademarks include but not limited to, the pause that refreshes used in 1929, have a coke and a smile used in 1979 and always Coca-Cola a slogan used in 1993 and by this year the companys sales had surpassed the 10 billion mark globally. With the tremendous evolution in the world of business there is dire need for the companys managers to adopt more techniques that are strategic and visionary if it has to keep succeeding in the industry of beverages. This is because the completion has taken another high level. The company has to always look ahead and make projections of the trends in business (Kaplan and Haenlein, p 873). This involves a lot of investment in effective communication with its various stakeholders and maximizing on the use of e-communication. Synopsis of non-electronic communication methods and practices that the company uses to engage its stakeholders Coca-Cola Company uses various means of no electronic communication stakeholder engagements by engaging in different dialogues that have long term impacts. These dialogues are important in informing decision making and have helped the company to make continuous improvements and progress towards their sustainability commitments of the year 2020. This form of communication can either be formal or informal and it happens across the entire system of Coca-Cola Company. (Dooley, 2007). This has enabled the company to be able to address pressing global challenges. The proactive communication with some of the external stakeholders has enabled the company to be able to identify and deal with issues by consolidating different expertise, passion and knowledge of different individuals and organizations. Coca-Cola has varied stakeholders and this therefore means adoption of different means of non electronic communication and methods (Dignan, 2007). Therefore key stakeholders are engaged differently; Bottling partners; with these stakeholders there is a constant day to day interaction, carrying out of joint projects, engaging in business plans and being involved in functional groups on strategic issues such groups include top to top seniormanagement forums and global environmental council. With its consumers the company uses non electronic communication such as plant tours, surveys, focus groups and research so as to ensure they dont lose their consumer base. When it comes to communicating with its customers Coca-Cola company makes regular visits , use account teams that are dedicated, engage in joint business planning with their customers as well as joint value creation initiatives, communication is also done using customer care centers where customers can visit and register their concerns and use of one on one surveys (Gillin, 2007). The company also plans community meetings on regular basis and engage in lectures in universities. The company communicates with their staff in surveys, town hall meetings etc. for the government and regulatory authorities Coca-Cola engages with them through chambers of commerce and foreign investment advisory councils. Coca-Cola also organizes annual meetings with shareowners to ensure whatever information that is necessary has been communicated to the right recipient. There has always been an annual supplier conference that ensures effective non electronic communication between the company and its suppliers. Overview of the key electronic media and communication strategies used by the company Its clear that most of coca colas communication strategies with its stakeholders are done via advertisements because their main aim is to attract many consumers worldwide (Polaris Institute, 2005). Media has been adopted by many companies to ease and facilitate effective communication among stakeholders. Its a facilitating institution that suggests appropriate message in the operative constrain of space. Its therefore the most effective means of communication or advertisement among many marketing practitioners. It can either be in form of a publication or visual media forms. The media that is published may include magazines, professional press, internet and newspapers. The visual media include radio, cinema, TV, billboards, posters and use of direct mails. Coca-Cola has engaged in the use of newspapers to communicate with its stakeholders for more than 100 years as well as use of magazines at a global level for their advertisements (Coca-Cola, 2013). The companys choice of magazine has been influenced by the readability of the magazine by their target customers. In most cases its advertisements are found occupying a whole page so as to maximize on the positive impacts of the initiatives of marketing. The online communication is mostly undertaken using banners, pop up ads and onsite sponsorship in many global websites which are mostly dedicated to funs of Coca-Cola. The company spends a good amount of financial resources to promote communication via television and radio. The company has as well taken advantage of using cinemas to communicate with its clients by putting adverts in some movies just before they kick off, or use of product placements in various movies by ensuring its drink is featured in the movies (McKinsey, 2007). The company has also invested in posters and billboards where they are placed in busy and central places like cities to ensure their message reaches a wider clientele. Coca-Cola has maximized the use of face book in electronic communication by attracting close to 64 million fans on its face book page. On this page a lot of information regarding its brand image and awareness has been accessed by its users. The company has over 700,000 followers on its twitter account and it has separate twitter feeds for its local markets. Its social team on twitter responds to huge numbers of mentions on a daily basis such s complaints and complements. This has thus contributed to effective communication. Coca colas social team has made use of Pinterest to communicate with its global clients and it engages in Pinterest competition which has recently become a good tactic of driving awareness and increasing number of stakeholders (Ford, Stephens and Cooper, 2007). All these efforts are done to ensure effective electronic communication between the company and its various stakeholders and especially consumers who are the main stakeholders. SWOT Analysis on the companys overall communication methods and practices (RM, 2013). Strengths The companys biggest strength its the marketing strategies which are strong. Its campaigns attract people of all ages and from different backgrounds. Its good at global advertisements. Its brand equity is also good and the company has ensured strong presence in its partner countries globally. Its brand holds the highest value in the world. The company is also good at customer loyalty and this is as a result of the larger customer base it commands globally. Its investment in low calorie brands such as coke zero has given it more than 80% absolute growth in the business market. Weaknesses The company has not fully invested in healthy beverages. It has proven difficult for the company to brand itself as a healthy option for many. Most of its products are taken to be junk and unhealthy and therefore the healthy beverage market is not easy to penetrate. The companys image and brand has almost been tainted by cases relating to pesticides. There has not been exploration of foods and snacks by the company. The company has also been criticized for advertising its products to children who do not know how to decide on what product to buy. Opportunities The company is better placed to expand into markets that they have not yet tapped into. The company can still conduct more advertising and marketing in other new markets. The company is in a good position to get more companies so as to boost its operations. Coca-Cola has room to expand its product portfolio and accommodate foods and snacks. Threats There have been previous allegations of Coca-Cola manufacturing products with negative effects on health especially with excessive consumption. The company has faced challenges of dealing with government regulations of different countries. The company had to face the inflation rates and global economic instabilities. Stiff competition from rivals like red bull and Pepsi has been a great threat to the company. Findings From the SWOT analysis the company has much strength compared to weaknesses and the opportunities far outweigh the threats. From the analysis its therefore important for the company to support a strategy that is aggressive. Despite facing several threats and weaknesses it has very good potential for growth and increase of market share by adopting a strategy that is growth oriented. Communication practices of Pepsi and Star buck companies as the main Coca-Cola competitors These two companies are among the leading Coca-Cola competitors in the beverage industry. Pepsi Pepsi Company has recently made some changes to its communication strategies owing to increased competition in the beverage business world. The company has adopted the basket weave which is a structure that provides many touch points across its business units so as to have a corporate strategy that is cohesive and responds more readily on different ideas. The company has put up centers of excellence where sustainability and crisismanagement sectors have been assigned to SVPs to facilitate constant communication across units (Anfuso, 2005). There has been a digital revamp where the internal intranet and were relaunched and they have added capabilities such as blogs which enables its many associates to be aware of whatever happens in the company. The company has also embraced global meetings where it aims at consolidating its various stakeholders in conferences to share the companys information. Starbucks The communication strategies for Star bucks are very effective for instance the company has constant branding. Their brand personality comes through in every communication. The logo, storefront and store presence all have looks and feels that are familiar. They make use of the web as their content hub. The clients can access a lot of information on the companys website such as rewards, new brands, access to a nearby stall etc. they make use of videos to tell stories of their consumers and tie in an appropriate message. They have integrated their content across channels such as subscriptions to their information via emails where interesting information about the products can be accessed (TSF, 2009). Its presence in social media is quite good. Their reward delivery mechanisms are via direct mails. They are making use of mobile experience where one can view their products via a Smartphone and therefore one can easily get any information anywhere. It has even launched an app dubbed the star bucks app. The company has also made it easier for consumers to share their contents using one click options by asking one to share the relevant information. A site called Myideas has been created by the company to engage their consumers and the web serves as the hub of the experience and people are allowed to make submissions or comments on ideas and its social team provides quick feedback (Walter, 2012). Suggestions and recommendations for how the company can improve its communication The company should encourage the art of sharing, dialogue and input. This will ensure good internal communication which has to flow in two ways. People should be taught on giving feedback on any information they get and the company should reward open dialogue. The company has to ensure its mangers lead by example so that the employees can get the psyche of communicating (SMI, 2013). The managers should be told to share, comment and give feedbacks. Coca-Cola should get employee buy in by showing and providing value to employees. This can be done by exciting them on the cause of information sharing. The companys goals and objectives should be made public this has been a successful process in companies like Google. The company should reduce on meetings and instead use online tools to make communication very effective and faster (Weill and Vitale, p 7). It can adopt the online team update and reporting tools. It should shun from big information blasts and instead establish regular proces ses with granular real time updates. Its stakeholders should be trained in the language of sharing the companys information to attract more consumers and remain relevant in the market (Prince, 2007). There is need to provide more tools for internal work related sharing using tablets and phones. The company should run regular employee surveys to get answers and be aware of their current state. The company should be ready to listen and encourage inputs from all ranks. Conclusion Coca-Cola Company is among the leading companies in the beverage industry and this success is partly attributed to the effective non electronic and electronic communication it uses to run its business. Despite being top in business the company faces some weaknesses and threats which it need not assume despite having many strengths and opportunities related to effective communication. It should therefore maximize on the opportunities so as to remain relevant in the beverage business environment. The company should embrace the suggested ways of improving on its communication strategies so as to constantly outcompete its main competitors such as Pepsi and Starbucks. References Prince, L. (2007). 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